Herspective: Who’s on the Roof?

by Cythia Thalman July 1, 2014

Who’s on the roof?

Herspective By Cynthia Thalman

I saw a video of an F-18 taking off from the USS Nimitz last December. It was piloted by a beautiful young lady that loves flying fighter jets. I thought
to myself, that gal never heard of the “glass ceiling” growing up. All she understood was “the sky is not the limit!” I grew up with the same

I graduated from college with a degree in Psychology with emphasis in calculus, physics, and engineering (go figure). A few years later I was hired as the
lead site supervisor for a large homebuilder overseeing everything from site layout to handing the keys to new homeowners. I built over 100 new homes. I
tested the waters of selling real estate and then worked in the home inspection industry for a national home inspection company for six years.

I started my own home inspection company in 2009, Homes by Cynthia. Altogether I have performed over 4,000 home inspections. When ASHI Reporter asked me to write an article about being a female in the home inspection industry, I jumped at the chance to share the female

The bottom line is I love doing home inspections! I am fortunate to have had a strong background in the building industry which brings a “honed skill set”
in understanding the structure and quality of the property I am asked to inspect. However, the greatest reward that naturally comes along with inspecting
homes is that 98% of the time I’m working with people who are excited and happy to be purchasing a home. I love being part of making people’s dreams come
true. I love going to work!

It is certainly true that I find myself in an industry that is overwhelmingly male. I have attended many continuing education classes where I was the only
female. It gives me the same motivation that I’m sure male nurses encounter; I need to prove myself in this workforce! I can relate many stories, as I’m
sure all female inspectors can, about fun, funny and not so appropriate situations that I have encountered over the years. More than once I have arrived at
the inspection site along with the male realtor and had the homeowner naturally start talking with “him” instead of “her” to get the inspection started.
(That is even though I was the one in jeans with a MagLight strapped to my belt and he had on a coat and tie!)

Probably the funniest for me is the Annual Charity Cancer Gala where many of the building/inspection crowd shows up for a top notch event. This is one of
the few places I can go without the “Belt, MagLite, jeans look” dressed in an evening gown, my blond hair flowing and glowing, makeup in place and some
jewelry attached. The well dressed realtors and the other gents in the construction industry are surprised when they realize they are talking to Cindy the
home inspector. It’s not always what it looks like, guys!

I have worked hard to create a “Niche” for myself in the county and surrounding areas. One of my trademarks is always showing up at an inspection with
chocolate chip cookies for whoever is at the inspection. (I have gone through two ovens in the last four years making hundreds of dozens of cookies). I
doubt many guys do that! I also take cookies when I make my visits to the many real estate companies that are key to any inspection business.

Homes by Cynthia
has been a wonderful way to create power over my own schedule and at the same time enjoy the rewards of being very content with what I have created. I
would encourage any female who wants to get the training and experience in home inspections to follow her dreams and become a home inspector in an industry
that can use a whole lot more of us!

Thanks to ASHI for the commitment and high standards it brings to the industry!

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