Have you renewed your membership?
September 30 was the official due date for all members to submit their renewal dues for the 2008-2009 year and, if owed, the required Continuing Education hours.
If you have not yet renewed, this may be your last issue of the ASHI Reporter. But that’s not all. Prospective clients will no longer find your contact information when they use the Find An Inspector tool on www.ASHI.org. You’ll lose the discounts from the ASHI-endorsed insurance programs, the right to ask questions of your peers on the discussion boards, and the pride that comes from belonging to the most widely recognized professional home inspection organization.
Time is running out, but you can still log in to Members Only on www.HomeInspector.org. Call (847-759-2820) or e-mail (hq@ashi.org) to renew.
How many are too many?
During the time of the Bail out/Recovery bill debate in Washington, D.C., members received a flurry of e-mails from ASHI. One was the regular monthly newsletter, First Thing, one was sent in error and two shared information from Randy Pence, ASHI’s federal government lobbyist. ASHI leaders thought it was important to provide members with the lobbyist’s take on the legislation being considered by Congress and to encourage those who agreed with the Society’s position supporting the bill to contact their representatives.
ASHI recognizes members may have opinions differing from the Society’s positions, nevertheless the leadership believes it’s important for the membership to know why the Society has taken a specific position and to be kept abreast of legislative activity that affects home inspectors. Because of the need to respond to legislation as it’s being considered, updates cannot be held for the regular e-mail newsletters, “First Thing” and “The Inspector.”
For the most part, e-mail communications are limited to these two newsletters, dues notices and timely legislative alerts. E-mail is the most cost-effective way for the Society to stay in touch with members; therefore, we encourage members to keep a current e-mail address on file at headquarters. ASHI does not sell e-mail addresses and only provides them to endorsed program providers.
ASHI Director reports on Board activity
Michael Stephens, who serves on the ASHI Board of Directors, wrote an article for his chapter newsletter about the board’s discussions of third-party certification. The article was also e-mailed to members in the monthly First Thing newsletter. Members who did not receive the e-mail newsletter with the article can request it be sent to them by e-mailing sandyb@ashi.org.
Photos Requested for AOL
Tom Kraeutler, retired ASHI member and host of The Money Pit Home Improvement Radio Show, is requesting photos for his AOL story, Foreclosure Flaws. To participate, go to his submission Web page, www.moneypit.com/ashi/.
Current ASHI Membership
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,698
ASHI Associates with Logo Use: 168
ASHI Associates: 1,816
ASHI Retired Members: 152
Affiliates: 92
New Advertising Rate Card — same or reduced prices
Some of the new advertising opportunities, at the same or reduced rates, may be of interest to chapters marketing their educational seminars. Download the new rate card and consider your options.
ASHI Calendar of Events
• Jan. 20, 2009, Council of Representatives annual meeting, Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Fla.
• Jan. 21, 2009, Board meeting, Disney’s
Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Fla.
• Jan. 21-24, 2009, InspectionWorld, Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Fla.
• April 17, 2009, Board orientation, Rosemont, Ill.
• April 18, 2009, Board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• July 18, 2009, Board meeting, TBD
• Oct. 22-23, 2009, Leadership Training Conference, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct. 24, 2009, Board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 17, 2010, Board meeting, Las Vegas, Nev.
• Jan. 17-20, 2010, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.