Great Basin Chapter Gets a Boost from Chapter Relations Committee

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2004


Within minutes of the plane touching the ground in Boise, Idaho, on a Saturday evening in early December, David Sherwood and Curt Liles were talking about what makes an ASHI chapter successful. It’s a topic close to the heart of Sherwood and his Chapter Relations Committee colleagues, who had sent him on this mission to support the newly elected president of the Great Basin Chapter. Photo: Great Basin Chapter members (l to r): Matt Dawes, vice president; Phil Gerhardson, education chair; Curtis Liles, president; Stan Audette, treasurer; Wil Barrow, secretary; Steve Pierson, past president

Liles had contacted the committee as he prepared to take over the reins of leadership from Steve Pierson, who was completing many years of service as the chapter’s president and driving force. As the newly elected chapter president, Liles wanted to know how other chapters had grown and prospered, and the Chapter Relations Committee was willing to send someone who could help walk him through the preliminary steps for making this happen.

Sherwood and Liles spent their first hours together on Saturday evening reviewing the basics of conducting a meeting, including Roberts Rules of Order, and fine tuning the plans for leadership training the following morning.

On Sunday, eight Great Basin officers and directors participated in leadership training, then spent the afternoon working on ideas for chapter growth and development. Sherwood said, “We discussed possible meeting formats, and what seems to work for the most successful chapters.”

After looking at the options, they voted to replace the chapter’s flexible meeting schedule and informal format with a regularly scheduled monthly dinner meeting with roundtable discussions and guest speakers, whose presentations have been approved for MRCs.

“They made decisions, set specific dates and deadlines. They did a lot of work and got a lot accomplished,” Sherwood said.

During the day on Monday, Liles treated his guest to a drive to the high country and timbers, while also working together on the agenda for the Chapter meeting and techniques for directing meetings. Everyone was well prepared for the Chapter meeting that evening.

Sherwood, who also is an ASHI Experience ambassador, took his turn at the podium as he delivered The ASHI Experience PowerPoint™ presentation and received positive feedback from the 15 in attendance. He also reported the new president did a “great job” with his first meeting.

With Great Basin Chapter members excited about the future and plans in place to promote growth in the region, the Chapter Relations Committee is expecting a positive return on the investment it made by sending its man to Boise. Contact Bob Kociolek,, to learn more about the chapter development program.

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