Grace Period Extended

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2011

The official grace period for renewing membership ended November 30, but it has been extended. Act now to retain all the benefits of belonging, including:

  • Being listed on “Find an Inspector.”
  • Being associated with the only third-party recognized home inspector certifying body.
  • Being eligible for free online Smart Track and other educational opportunities.
  • Receiving 12 issues of the ASHI Reporter, online and in print.
  • Benefiting from professional representation in Washington, D.C.
  • Access to special members-only programs and more.

 If you have questions, contact Sarah Walsh,

e-Learning Catalog Added to Online Education Options

Continuing Education (CE) claim forms are being distributed with dues notices. There’s still time and ways to earn the hours required by ASHI and some states.

The e-Learning Catalog provides online education at the click of a button on the ASHI home page. It offers 30 courses, two CEs on completion of a module and successful completion of an exam. ASHI member prices: $29 per module or $20 per podcast. Sign in once and every completed module will be registered in your file.

Smart Track online learning is free to ASHI members and also is accepted by the following states:

Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Mississippi, New Jersey,
Oklahoma, Tennessee and Washington.

Access to Smart Track recently changed, but instructions appear on the introduction page.

The ASHI@Home Training System is also approved for ASHI CEs.

2012 Call for Volunteers

The official period for volunteering to serve on a committee ended December 1, but if you have the skills and enthusiasm necessary to help ASHI achieve its goals and objectives, there’s probably a place for you on one of ASHI’s many committees.

If so, let the committee chairs know you’re willing to serve in 2012 by filling out and returning the 2012 Call for Volunteers form.

Order Personalized Technical Brochures on the new ASHI Marketplace!

Personalized marketing brochures covering technical topics quickly became the hot item on the new ASHI Marketplace. Could you use them to promote your business? Go to and click on the “Shop the ASHI Store” button.

Officer Election

The election of ASHI’s officers closed on Dec. 5. Results and introductions will appear in next month’s ASHI Reporter. The slate was as follows:

President-elect: Bill Jacques
Vice president: Bill Loden
Secretary: Scott Warga
Treasurer: Alden Gibson

Current election Bylaws and Policy and Procedures, including those covering campaigning, are available on the ASHI website in the Members-Only section under Publications.

Certification Committee

Voting members also were asked to confirm two new members to the Certification Committee: Jim Hemsell and Joe Kelly.

Council Elects Directors

Voting by council representatives closed December 5. The five candidates on the slate below who received the greatest number of votes will serve a three-year term. The sixth will become the Alternate. Results will be announced in next month’s ASHI Reporter.

Frank Libero, Jory Lannes, Bill Sutton, Eric Barker, Michael D. Conley, Shannon Cory, Bob Sisson, C. Blaine Illingworth and Tim Buell.

The election of directors is covered in the ASHI Bylaws and in the CoR Policy and Procedures Manual on the ASHI website, in the Members Only section under Publications.

Your Input is Valued

To publish the Reporter, ASHI depends on members who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences with other home inspectors.

Do you have something to contribute? Chapter news, photos of chapter events, Postcards from the Field and letters to the editor all are welcomed.

Do you have an inspection-related success story, safety tip, viewpoint or business or technical article that would be of interest to other readers? If so, we’d love to hear from you.
The ASHI Technical Committee reviews technical submissions for level of interest and accuracy before publication.

Therefore, we recommend authors submit their ideas for technical articles in summary or outline form and request feedback from the committee before writing the article.

Email Sandy Bourseau at

New for InspectionWorld Phoenix: 2012 International Residential Code Track

The latest IRC code is just out, and Douglas Hansen will cover it in great depth in an entire 18-hour track this year at InspectionWorld. The focus will be to identify new features of the code by highlighting the changes since the 2006 and 2009 IRC. Sessions will include design, nonstructural requirements such as stairs, foundations & framing, wind & seismic bracing, roofing, plumbing, mechanical systems and electrical systems. This class is the ideal training for anyone wishing to obtain or renew their ICC code certifications.

Regular InspectionWorld conference registration is required to attend this track and there will be an additional fee to cover the cost of the code book. Go to for more information and to register now.

Congratulations to Kevin Thompson!

Kevin Thompson, Green Valley Home Inspections, is the lucky winner of the Leadership Training Conference raffle drawing. The Unionville, Pa., resident is a member of the Keystone Chapter. He won full conference registration to InspectionWorld Phoenix and a three-night stay at the beautiful Arizona Biltmore Resort.

ASHI Staff: Michele George

Michele George recently celebrated her third anniversary with ASHI. In the last year, she was promoted to education manager. Previously and now in this position, she enjoys assisting members and chapters in locating educational opportunities. Currently, she manages the Smart Track Program, Speakers Directory, ASHI CE course approvals and ASHI e-Learning Catalog, and serves as the liaison to the InspectionWorld (IW) Education Committee and is an LTC coordinator and presenter. In addition, as the InspectionWorld manager, Michele plans events, manages registration, and coordinates and manages the conference education and onsite activities. Her background in seminar management and event planning provides the skills to coordinate and manage all her responsibilities. And several years working as an office manager and executive assistant in corporate offices have given her a business edge. The life-long resident of the Chicago area has traveled extensively in the U.S. and Europe. At home, she enjoys photography, reading and spending time with her family and friends.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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