Get Ready for ASHI Brand-Focused Chapter Leadership Day

by Bob Kociolek October 1, 2003

On October 24 leaders from across the country will descend on Chicagoland for Chapter Leadership Day (CLD) to partake of a full day of sharing and learning about the key issues facing ASHI and its Chapters. Typically, CLD focuses on the key issues facing the Society and its membership. That means that CLD this year will focus on the ASHI Brand, the ASHI Experience. But the spotlight will also be on another key arena for ASHI, the legislative arena. Once again, ASHI is fortunate to have Janet Swandby, our government affairs consultant, present at CLD. She will sit on a panel with ASHI Legislative Committee Chair Brion Grant and Garden State ASHI President Pete Engle, and discuss what’s new on the legislative front, as well as what we can expect from legislators in 2004. Grant will lay out changes in ASHI’s Position Statement on Regulation of Home Inspectors. Engle will share experiences from the fight NJ ASHI members put up to beat back an amendment attached on their licensing law – an amendment that would have drastically weakened the law and jeopardized consumers and ASHI members.

This panel offers an opportunity to learn and share experiences using the Position Statement, working with legislators, building coalitions, getting started in legislative affairs, working with lobbyists and more. Chapter leaders who are facing legislation in their states and leaders in states where legislation is already a fact will not want to miss this important event.

For more information, including hotel and travel arrangements, contact Bob Kociolek at 847-759-2820 or e-mail him at

New or carried over bills

There have been no changes in the status of bills currently in session since the last report.

Add Nebraska to the list of states that have adjourned.

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