Get Connected Through Social Media

by Steve Hawkins May 1, 2013

You’ll find technical and not so technical topics discussed on ASHI’s LinkedIn Membership Group (Official).

Nineteen and counting members joined Alan Trauger after he opened the following discussion:

EXIT STRATEGIES … Upon reading and reviewing the ASHI Reporter, as well as other related sites, it becomes apparent that the demographics for home inspectors is a “white hair society.”

After all, it takes years of experience, education, ongoing training, and observations to ascertain the acumen to accurately evaluate property conditions. Unfortunately, the physical rigors of climbing, crawling, carrying, and toting cannot go on forever!!
So, what plans are you making?

An even dozen commented after Charles Buell posted the following:

Hidden damage should be anticipated …

Home inspectors can’t see inside walls, but sometimes we do see things on the surface where “predicting” what will be behind those surfaces is actually possible to some degree. Whether hidden damage is moderate or extensive might…

Do you have something to say or are you interested in what other members discuss? The group is easy to find and to join. Click on the LinkedIn symbol on ASHI’s homepage and send your request. You’ll be approved within 48 hours.

Promote Yourself Using ASHI-Provided News Releases

ASHI President Bill Jacques has been successful promoting his business and the society by using ASHI-generated news releases. In response to his suggestion, ASHI’s public relations agency is developing a series of news releases designed for members to use in their local markets. These are being developed in addition to those for the national media, and both can be found under Media and Advertising at the bottom of the home page.

The first of the series for local markets appears here and also was distributed with First Thing. Members who get them placed with their local newspaper are encouraged to share the good news with ASHI headquarters.

The Media and Advertising section of the website also provides links to previous placements by members. ASHI continues to take its message to the public locally and nationally.

Top Public Relations Tips
Get Involved in Your Community

• Network with affiliated groups
• Realtor and builder associations
• Participate in community charitable causes
• “Rebuilding Together” (formerly Christmas in April), “Habitat for Humanity”
• Fundraising drives for local charities
• Participate in a PBS telethon (and maybe get interviewed on-air)

Develop Relationships with Media Contacts … become the local expert

• Identify and reach out to local broadcast and print media, especially real estate and home writers and editors
• Become the expert resource they turn to when writing or producing a story on home issues
• Capitalize on the home improvement craze
• DIY radio and TV shows and columnists
• Offer your expert advice on maintenance tips and warning signs
• Become a columnist or host yourself

Be Proactive with the Local Media

• Don’t wait for media to call you; build relationships and keep your name in front of them (via press releases) so they think of you first
• Suggest story ideas based on seasonal press releases and community events

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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