From Vegas to Orlando and a lot of Meetings in Between… A Year in the Life of an ASHI President

Well, it is hard to believe that a whole year has passed. Yes, just 12 months ago in Las Vegas, I stood on a stage and took an oath to lead our great society.
So, let’s see what’s been accomplished. We made or strengthened alliances with several other home inspection organizations. To better understand these relationships, we formed a task force with the sole purpose of bringing the alliances together, and to offer ASHI’s assistance in the respective needs of other organizations and to advance ASHI’s interests.
We established a working relationship with a Fortune 500 company and to fit its need for specialized residential inspections, we trained ASHI members and assigned them work in several states. Needless to say, this relationship has been important to us and it has brought in more than $80,000 to ASHI’s general funds.
We provided representation to the Canadian Association of Professional Home Inspectors (CAPHI) last fall. We developed a working agreement and established avenues for open dialogue within several Canadian provinces.
Our lobbyist, Randy Pence, continued to work hard on behalf of ASHI with several federal agencies in Washington, D.C., and many members and chairs of Legislation Committees from various ASHI chapters continued to monitor and report on state legislation.
Established programs such as Chapter Development and Member Development continued to be most beneficial for the growth of our chapters, and awareness about ASHI’s programs and activities among our newest members.
As we developed plans for the future, the AEI and ASHI boards decided to separate The ASHI School, making it a governance model and retaining Executive Director Russell Daniels. His duties will be to establish viable programs of profitability for The ASHI School and thus for ASHI.
ASHI Executive Director Frank Lesh and the ASHI staff continued to work most diligently for the betterment of ASHI and you, the membership.
In closing, I sincerely thank both incoming ASHI President Tim Buell and outgoing Past-President Randy Sipe for the assistance and guidance they provided me in the operation of ASHI. I also thank Frank Lesh and the ASHI staff for providing services to our members, so justly deserved. I thank Carol Dikelsky, Reporter copy editor, for taking these articles from very rough draft to finish. I thank the ASHI Board of Directors and the members of the Council of Representatives for their professionalism in handling the affairs of ASHI. Lastly, I thank each of you for electing me to the position of President of the greatest home inspection organization.
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