From the Speaker: Only the Best
Only the Best” is the motto of one of the service branches. Well, ASHI also is looking for leaders who are only the best.
ASHI is looking for qualified candidates for positions for its Board of Directors. The directors are elected from the Council of Representatives. The chapters should place interested members who can best express the chapter’s wishes in the position of being their council member(s). These men and women should have expressed interest in becoming ASHI directors and eventual officers as well. From these council individuals, the leaders of ASHI are inspired.
The position of ASHI director is defined within our Bylaws and Policies & Procedures (both ASHI’s and the Council’s).
The process: A sitting council member with a minimum of one year’s experience can complete a required matrix (kind of a resume, if you will) for consideration. The Directors Nomination Committee (DNC) reviews all submitted matrix forms. It selects a slate of qualified candidates. There is a provision for petition candidates as well. In the end, each year five directors are chosen by the council along with an alternate.
The process starts shortly after InspectionWorld. The chairperson of the DNC and the members of the committee meet via teleconference and e-mail exchanges. They review the submitted matrixes and develop five questions that are pertinent and germane to the current and future standings of ASHI. A request is made to all interested and qualified council members to submit their matrix forms. The forms are reviewed at ASHI-HQ for adherence to required qualifications. The forms are then passed on to the DNC for review and the selection of a slate. If a candidate is not nominated by the committee, he or she is informed of the petition process.
Ballots will go out at the end of October.
The leaders who have been elected are “ASHI’s Best.” They all, both past and present, have worked hard and in the best interest of ASHI’s members.
In closing, the group leaders and I would ask you to think of a council member who you would like to have represent your best interests and to suggest he or she submit a director matrix. The chair of the committee, Bob Walstead (, welcomes suggested names and our P&P provides that he can make that call for you!
If you have someone in mind who has served on the council for a year, there is still time to designate him/her as the chapter representative. Make that call now.
ASHI deserves the best … you deserve the best!!!
Contact Info for 2010 CoR Speaker and Group Leaders
Howard Pegelow, Speaker
Bob Walstead, Alternate Speaker
Glenn Gogal, New England/Canada Group Leader, 416-604-1280
Jerry Sanangini, New York/New Jersey Group Leader
Bob Sisson, Mid-Atlantic Group Leader
Ed Massart, Midwest Group Leader
Keven Kossler, South Atlantic Group Leader
Phil Smith, Gulf Group Leader
John Clason, South Midwest Group Leader
John Biegalski, North Central Group Leader
Alan Blaker, Mountain Group Leader
Skip Walker, Pacific Group Leader
Lisa Alajajian-Giroux, Council Secretary
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