From the Speaker
Changing Times
Changing Times … we’ve all heard of the changing times! I am talking about the reference to the ol’ days, back 10, 15, 20 years ago, before today’s dreaded licensing and regulation. When an individual with basic, if any, knowledge of the building industry decided to hang out a home inspector shingle, telling the world that he was the best. Those were times when there were few competitors, times of plenty when everyone made easy money. I’m sure some of you remember those days. But were they really that good? I know of a few individuals who had basic knowledge of building composition. They believed the profession was simple and no real knowledge was required. They lacked the necessary detailed knowledge and fortitude for the home inspection profession because they believed it wasn’t a profession with any standing and credentials. Were they wrong? No, because the times dictated simple inspection services, using nothing more than a nondescript check box form. The belief by some was to “get in and get out” … then on to the next inspection.
Back then, ASHI was a growing organization of home inspectors who came together from different regions of the country. There were few from up north who agreed the American Society of Home Inspectors would hopefully be the future for the industry. Back then, communication was by phone, mail or face to face. ASHI had a central site for members with home inspection questions to call. Calls were returned by experienced home inspector members. There was no website! There was no forum! There was no way for the instant funneling of information as enjoyed today.
ASHI, during its early growing years, didn’t have trouble providing information as it had a 50-member board, whose members served as the conduit to each of their chapters. The problem was keeping order during board meetings so that a united word would be expressed throughout ASHIland.
The Council of Representatives (CoR) was born out of necessity, whereupon ASHI chapters would appoint/elect/select representatives who would be their informational conduit between the chapters and the board, which now was more nimble in overseeing ASHI. Of course, the CoR was afforded additional duties including governance, but the CoR was meant to be the voice of the chapters.
Times have changed. The use of high-speed computers makes information from who knows what sources on the Worldwide Web available. Information that would have been laughed at 20 years ago. ASHI has changed as well. There is an interactive, up-to-date website for use by members as well as the real estate buying and selling public. The ASHI forum has threads that can provide instant information to members requesting whatever pleases their needs. It is a great source for the members’ personal knowledge and professional business. The forum affords a place for ASHI members throughout the country to talk with one another.
“Changing Times”… ASHI has always looked to the future for our society, but more importantly for our members. ASHI had broadened its positions and entered the political arena, both at state and national levels. ASHI has entered the educational venue with the forming of The ASHI School. Whereupon, new and experienced inspector can come and learn the basics and advances in the ever-changing home inspection profession. ASHI sought after and justly received a third-party certification for its members, shared by no other home inspection organization. ASHI has established a for-profit entity, which is affording financial non-dues revenue growth.
ASHI has submitted change for the future. Currently, ASHI voting members are reviewing proposed changes in our governance and standards and procedures for ancillary component inspections. It will be a means for the board and operations governing our society to be more nimble and presentable in the future. It will afford our members additional opportunities to increase personal business and educational values.
The Council of Representatives is looking forward to working with the ASHI board as in the past and into the future for the betterment of our society and, more importantly, for our membership.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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