From the Speaker

by Howard Pegelow December 1, 2009

Year in Review

If you’ve been reading my monthly articles, you’ve learned about the council from its concept in 1994 to the present, the seven previous council leaders (speakers) and the role of the Regional Group Leaders. Also covered were the duties of council representatives and how individual representatives are the binding agents with chapter members, likewise with the “GUMs” (Groups of Unaffiliated Members).

Since the beginning of this year, the ASHI forum has included the CoR Communication Group” (CCG) discussion site. It was started by members who expressed a need to present their thoughts, opinions and commentary, and to be able to “grab it … and run with it,” when action items were suggested. It has proven to be a great site for all. Members are taking notice and are using it. The council thanks Group Leader Mark Londner, for this was his baby.

In past articles, I discussed the importance of education. With an eye to the future, members could elect to learn about green technology at our last InspectionWorld. Such in-the-know information will continue to be offered by the chapters and at InspectionWorld.

As you know, the ASHI Board is looking into all facets of governance. There are theories for simple tweaking to an outright major overhaul. The process has been ongoing for a couple of years. The end results are anyone’s guess. The CoR has been actively involved in the process and more than willing to assist in this endeavor.

For those of you who attended the recent Leadership Training Conference (LTC), you know that it was well worth it! The CoR sincerely thanks David Sherwood and the Chapter Relations Committee for a job well done.

The CoR was afforded the opportunity to conduct a training session. Group Leaders Larry Cerro and Mark Londner took us all through the council process, providing facts that were new to many attendees. According to my casual survey, the attendees appreciated the session. Larry and Mark are making the presentation materials available to council reps who would like to use it for a chapter meeting.

Lastly, I’ve discussed the responsibilities of not only the council representatives, but of all ASHI members. Those of us who are eligible to vote on ASHI matters should do so. ASHI leadership starts with us. We elect our leaders (officers and directors) to guide and govern our society. They are to grasp the “big picture” and function with the best interests of our society. Our society is only as good as we are. The future is ours and only ours. 

In closing, the council is looking forward to 2010 and the future of ASHI. We have weathered the storm of the poor market. The future holds only good for all of us. I sincerely hope to meet and greet all of you at the CoR annual meeting and during InspectionWorld in Las Vegas!

Please join in on the ASHI discussion forum!

CoR Speaker and Group Leader Contact Info

Howard Pegelow, Speaker

Bob Walstead, Alt Speaker, Mountain  and Temporary Pacific Group Leader

Lisa Alajajian-Giroux, New England/Canada Group Leader

Jerry Santangini, New York/New Jersey Group Leader

Mark Londner, Mid-Atlantic Group Leader

Bob Peterson, Midwest Group Leader

Keven Kossler, South Atlantic Group Leader

Larry Cerro, Gulf Group Leader

Randy Sipe, South Midwest Group Leader

John Biegalski, North Central – Group Leader

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