From the Speaker
Elections!! Elections!! Elections!! Elections!!
As all of you know, it is time for our yearly elections of ASHI officers and members of the board.
Because this article is written by the council and is dedicated to council issues, I won’t dwell on the election of the officers other than to say that it is your duty and responsibility as a member of our society to review every candidate running for the various officer’s posts and vote as you see fit.
With that said, we should discuss the importance of selecting directors for our organization. Each year, members of the council are asked to consider running for the position of director on the ASHI Board. According to our society’s bylaws and our policies and procedures, the Council of Representatives selects by casting a ballot for five (5) directors, along with an alternate director position.
This process has been followed since the beginning of the council. Prior to the council, there were over 50 ASHI directors. Chaos and confusion were common. The council was created to streamline and offer direction. The system worked then and today.
The selection process starts with an announcement to every council member. More than 100 council representatives receive and review the Call for Directors. Council members who decide to run submit a prescribed matrix. Within policy guidelines, the matrices go to the Director Nominations Committee. The committee selects and announces the slate. Any council representative who is not slated can petition to have his/her name placed on the ballot. See the Council Policy and Procedures for the petition process.
The process of slated and petition candidates works well. It affords council members the opportunity to review all interested candidates. Most importantly, it assures all ASHI members that the process is fair, just and in our best interest.
The group leaders and I would like to invite all council reps to consider becoming director candidates. If not that, we suggest you consider entering into the nomination committee process in future years. The council elects those who serve on both the officers’ and the directors’ nomination committees. It is your willingness to justly decide on the best candidates for all of ASHI that is not only needed, but required.
I realize that many, if not all, of us understand the responsibilities of serving as a council representative. Each of us has the trust and well-being of our chapter membership at heart. It is they, too, who have entrusted us to fulfill our responsibilities to the council and to ASHI. Each year, many of us attend the Leadership Training Conference as sponsored by our chapters and ASHI. By attending, we bring back wisdom and confidence to out chapters. Each year, many of us give up personal agendas to come to InspectionWorld and attend the annual council meeting. We hear the accomplishments of the past year and offer direction for the future. It is our input that the council requires and appreciates. It is our acceptance of the position of council body member that completes the council. It is our responsibility of accepting a position on the most important of council functions that being the nomination committees for our society’s leaders, the officers and directors. The group leaders and I welcome each one of you. Without all of us working together and continuing forward, we would cease to exist.
In closing, when you receive your ballots, either for officers or the directors, please review them and vote. It is your right and the right of all of our members who are eligible to vote.
Please join in on the ASHI discussion forum!!!
CoR Speaker and Group Leader Contact Info
Howard Pegelow, Speaker
Bob Walstead, Alt Speaker, Mountain and Temporary Pacific Group Leader
Lisa Alajajian-Giroux, New England/Canada Group Leader
Jerry Santangini, New York/New Jersey Group Leader
Mark Londner, Mid-Atlantic Group Leader
Bob Peterson, Midwest Group Leader
Keven Kossler, South Atlantic Group Leader
Larry Cerro, Gulf Group Leader
Randy Sipe, South Midwest Group Leader
John Biegalski, North Central – Group Leader
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