Follow Us on Twitter @ ASHI_Inspection

by Lara Chereso January 1, 2010

ASHI is on Twitter! Used by many companies for customer service and brand recognition, Twitter offers a unique and easy way for ASHI to engage with customers, the media, industry influencers and you, its members.

To further establish ASHI as “the voice” of the home inspection industry, as well as reach its stakeholders in new ways, ASHI will post consumer tips, member news, real estate info, press releases as well as any pertinent information found on the ASHI Web site. Currently, no home inspector organization holds a membership to Twitter, which allows ASHI the opportunity to be a trailblazer and have unique ownership of this medium. Moreover, it’s an ideal platform for ASHI to distribute home inspection information to potential homebuyers and sellers.

What is Twitter? This “micro-blog” allows users to connect by “following” each other. Twitter offers a user feed made up of 140-character posts, known as “tweets.” Hashtags, or search words with a pound sign in front of them, are used on Twitter for people looking for information on certain topics, e.g., #foreclosure. Are you on Twitter? If so, make sure your content is engaging and consider using some of the more common hashtags to help generate more interest.

There are currently only a handful of Twitter users who identify themselves as home inspectors in their profile. There are, however, considerably more real estate professionals on Twitter. All of these users serve as advocates, re-tweeting (reposting) information to help make ASHI’s and your information and presence known.

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