Feeling the Love!

Hello, ASHI members! It’s February and here at ASHI, we are picking up where we left off before we headed out to InspectionWorld® last month. We had such a blast meeting so many of you in Orlando and we hope you enjoyed your time there if you were able to join us.
February is the month of love, with Valentine’s Day right in the middle of the 28 days. Many of you might be planning something special for your significant other and others might be planning an anti-Valentine’s Day party with friends. No matter what your personal plans may be, the ASHI Membership Team would like to invite you to share the “Inspector Love.”
How do you share the Inspector Love? By talking about your experiences with other inspectors, especially inspectors who are new to the profession. ASHI members can find these opportunities by joining and participating in local chapters.
ASHI has more than 80 chapters in regions throughout the United States and Canada. Chapters help welcome new members to our society and they provide education to help members expand their knowledge while earning continuing education hours to fulfill the requirements for state licensure and ASHI membership. Chapter membership also allows you to belong to a group of ASHI members who may live in the same region, but who may have differing personal and professional backgrounds and varying years of experience. Many chapters promote their members in the local area, so your chapter membership can be a way to generate more business for you. Some ASHI chapters provide “parallel inspection” programs to help new inspectors along their journey to success.
And, if you’re a seasoned inspector who doesn’t currently belong to an ASHI chapter, now is the time to join. You can network with other inspectors and learn or brush up on important skills to stay current on the job. Plus, chapter leaders keep you updated on local news that can affect the profession.
By belonging to a chapter, your voice can be heard at the national level. Chapter leaders share the information they get from their members with the Council of Representatives. This branch of ASHI makes it possible for everyone to have a voice in making changes and improvements to our society. You can also make change happen by volunteering or seeking to become a leader in the chapter.
How Do I Join an ASHI Chapter?
It’s easy! Just log on to the ASHI website and select the Members Only tab. Click on Chapters, and toward the bottom of the page, you will see this message:
If you don’t belong to an ASHI chapter, you’re not getting the full value of your ASHI membership. What are you waiting for? Find the closest chapter here.
Click on Find the closest chapter here, and you’ll bring up a map. Then, click on your state or province and…Voila! You’ll see a list of chapters in that area, along with contact information, links to websites, listings of ASHI members who belong to that chapter and brief schedules of the chapter meetings.
What are you waiting for? Log on to the ASHI website today to get connected with your local chapter. By getting involved with your chapter, you’ll create long-lasting bonds with other inspectors in your region, and your participation will help lead the profession and ASHI into the future.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.