Experts Comment on the Housing Market
From The Coldwell Banker Market Watch, October 2013
Rick Judson, Chairman, National Home Builder’s Association (NAHB) Responding to the report that over 80% of housing markets are improving: “While there is still plenty of room for growth, this is an excellent indication of how the housing recovery has begun to take hold across more geographical areas.”
Tim Sloan, Wells Fargo, Chief Financial Officer “When you look at any sort of statistics in the demographics in terms of household creation as well as household affordability, they are still very attractive and should drive a continued recovery in the housing business.”
Bradley F. Hunter, Chief Economist, MetroStudy “We have gone from a situation where five years ago everyone was saying, ‘There are too many lots,’ to today, builders are literally crying on our
shoulder saying, ‘There are not enough lots. We can’t find any.” Dr.
Alex Villacorta, Vice President, Research and Analytics, Clear Capital “With the continued strengthening of home price trends in August, the need for perspective on market activity is even more important….Considering the low-tier price segment of the housing market led the recovery, the cooling in this segment will likely transfer through to the broader housing market. That’s not to say the recovery is slated to stall, rather growth patterns are likely to return to more historical rates of growth, between 4.0 percent to 5.0 percent, rather than align with bubble-like growth…. At the end of the day, this is still great news for housing.”
Jay Brinkmann, Chief Economist, Mortgage Bankers Association “The recovery we’ve seen has been related to the fact that the economy is creating jobs at a steady rate and those jobs do translate into paychecks; some of those paychecks go to pay rentals and others go toward mortgages.” Original Source: The KCM Blog
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