Exhibit Booths Building the Brand
ASHI Chapter members and individual ASHI Inspectors are using the ASHI Experience exhibit booths at consumer and real estate shows across the country, providing visual reinforcement for the message they’re delivering one-on-one to the people who want to know why a home inspection is important, and who need to know what they can expect when they choose or recommend The ASHI Experience.
Taking it to the people
Chapters: Homebuyer booths
St. Louis Chapter (Eastern Missouri )
St. Louis 2004 Builders Home & Garden Show, March
NICASHI Chapter (Northern Illinois)
WVON Homebuyers Workshop, April
CICASHI Chapter (Central Illinois)
CICASHI 1st Annual Summer Conference, July
Alaska Chapter
Anchorage Home Show, September,
Western Washington Chapter
Washington Association of Realtors® education Conference and Trades show, October
Tri-State ASHI (Southeastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, Northern Delaware)
Ft. Washington Home show, February 2005
Chapters: Real Estate booths
Keystone Chapter (East Central Pennsylvania)
Western Washington Chapter
Great Plains Chapter (Kansas City Metro)
REALTOR® Rally, April
New England Chapter (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)
Pocono-Lehigh Chapter (Northeastern Pennsylvania)
PA-REALTORS® Conference (Dist. 1), May
Arizona Chapter
South Carolina Chapter
SunCoast Chapter (Florida)
Central PA Chapter (Pennsylvania)
Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors® Expo, September
NOVA Chapter (Northern Virginia )
Two shows, October
Mid-Atlantic Chapter (Maryland and Virginia)
Southern Colorado Chapter
ASHI Inspectors: Homebuyer booth
Charlie Sessums
Alpha Inspection, Brandon, Ms.
Prospecting in the PM, June
ASHI Inspectors: Real Estate booth
John Binczewski
HomePride of Southern Ohio, Inc.
Clermont Trade Fair, October
Input Wanted
Share your photos and stories of using the new booths. E-mail sandyb@ashi.org.
$96,000 to 26 chapters: Has your chapter applied?
Twenty-six chapters have submitted The ASHI Experience Chapter Grant Approval Forms to HQ and $96,000 has been disbursed. Funds will be released within two weeks of approval of the form. The forms can be found in the ASHI Experience Chapter Funding & Activities Guidebook. The Guidebook is included on the chapter CD sent to chapter leaders and on the ASHI Web site.
Chapters are using these funds to send additional leaders to Chapter Leadership Day, to attend real estate conferences and home shows, and to create mentoring programs to bring Candidates to the C2 level, bringing them into The ASHI Experience.
Your chapter deserves its share. Fax, mail or e-mail your form and get your funding! Questions? Ask Bob Kociolek, 847-759-2836
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.