Executive Director’s Report for 2011

by Jeff Arnold February 1, 2012

In the spring of 2009, the ASHI Board of Directors made an important decision on how it wanted ASHI to fulfill its commitment to education, as expressed in its mission statement:

“… to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.”

The Board decided to develop and make available programs to all who were interested in achieving excellence in the profession – not limiting the opportunity to ASHI members.

The highlights for 2011 include realizing the rewards of all that has been done since 2009 in this regard.

ASHI Education, Inc. & The ASHI School

Because the American Society of Home Inspectors, Inc., our membership organization, is a 501 (c) (6) not-for-profit corporation, there are IRS rules that govern how much non-member activity it can engage in or how much non-member income it can accrue.

ASHI Education, Inc., a for-profit C corp., wholly owned by ASHI, was created to allow us to move forward fulfilling the education mission. This corporation can realize profits that can be used to support ASHI’s educational programs and when it generates enough income it can dividend that income back to ASHI (its stockholder) or make donations to The ASHI Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) established to accept tax-deductible donations. Today, with the exception of InspectionWorld, all education is developed and managed by AEI.

You might remember from my report in the November Reporter, this includes the first series of online programs in the e-Learning44 online catalog; the Smart Track Program, and the ASHI@Home program. Since that report, we were able to stream six presentations from InspectionWorld Phoenix through the e-Learning online catalog.

Although these were important accomplishments for 2011, AEI’s flagship is The ASHI School (TAS).

TAS, a division of AEI, has provided hands-on home inspection training this year to 145 people, most entering the profession, for $435,000 in revenue. And the school is growing by leaps and bounds, offering commercial, radon, fortified wind mitigation and more inspection courses,
Plus, we’ve entered into an agreement with Cincinnati State Technical Community Colleges that allows TAS to be part of a college degree program with college credits, opening the door to steady growth for the school.

Jack McGraw took over as managing director when what had been a joint venture was dissolved in the spring of 2011 and TAS became wholly owned by AEI. He and Robin Wojcik, senior sales manager, have been dedicated to bringing the school into its own. Please visit www.theashischool.com to learn more about all the programs.

ASHI’s Accomplishments

While AEI was moving forward, so was ASHI.

We have to begin with a thank you to all of you who renewed your membership with ASHI for 2011-12. We’re pleased to announce that for the first time in four years, renewals were up over the previous year by over 250. This is significant for the future viability of ASHI.

Your support is keeping your organization strong through these challenging times.

At the top of our list of accomplishments is the integration of the ASHI Gold Standard throughout the organization and promotional materials.

Also, we’ve received good feedback on the practice of reporting the Find an Inspector views to each member on a quarterly basis. The Find an Inspector feature that comes free with your membership can mean potential business for you.

A major member satisfaction survey was done in 2010 and is planned again in the near future.

The new database (first in almost 10 years) allows us to provide you with better service.

We’ve run out of space for this report, so I hope you’ll continue to read about ASHI every month and note how your organization is working on your behalf. If you read the committee goals in this issue, you’ll see there is lots to be excited about for 2012.

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