Entire Membership Receives New Position Statement
On October 22, HQ mailed the new Position Statement on Regulation of Home Inspectors to the more than 6,000 Members and Candidates, in preparation for the new legislative sessions that begin in most states in January 2003.
Get ready!
We ask you to fully review it, comment on it, and use it in your state. When home inspectors, real estate professionals, consumer advocacy interests, state legislators, or others begin regulatory efforts, use the Position Statement to help determine whether or not regulation is needed, and whether or not it will truly benefit consumers and the home inspection profession.
This comprehensive Statement is the culmination of an exhaustive six-month effort by the ASHI Legislative Committee to review and grade all existing legislation, to develop policy on critical elements of regulation, to draft a model law that can be used as a template, and to present ASHI as the private sector source of expert information to state legislators on any aspect of the regulation of our profession. The ASHI Board of Directors accepted the Statement at its April 2002 meeting.
A living document, the Statement will be reviewed and revised annually, reflecting the dynamic nature of regulation. Each year the Legislative Committee will review existing legislation and consider rating changes. It is possible, for example, that a state prescribing the NHIE may receive a higher grade based on the quality of the exam. Conversely, if an amendment to an existing regulation exempted, say, engineers, the Committee would subtract points. And, of course, new legislation will be reviewed and graded. The updating practice is noted on the cover of the Statement: “This document shall be reviewed and revised in July 2003, at which time this edition may be inaccurate and should be discarded.” The most current version of the Statement is also available for downloading as a PDF from the ASHI Web site.
Charlotte County, Florida requires NHIE
Recently we reported on the growing number of local municipalities with home inspector regulations on the books. This is important because many times we find out about these ordinances after the fact, and membership may or may not be in compliance. We have recently learned that Charlotte County is Florida is now requiring that home inspectors pass the National Home Inspector Examination to be licensed to carry out home inspections in that county. If you know of a local ordinance, please contact bobk@ashi.org.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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