Electing the Nominating Committee

by Edited by ASHI Staff March 1, 2005

All council representatives who volunteered to serve on either the Officers or the Directors Nominating Committees at the January COR meeting were sent a matrix by e-mail to be returned by the end of business day, February 21, 2005. February 28, the matrices and ballots were sent to all council representatives to vote on Directors Nominating Committee members. The winners will be announced March 31. The Officers Nominating Committee is charged with presenting a slate of officers to members, and the Directors Nominating Committee is charged with presenting a slate of directors to council representatives for the respective elections.

Salomon elected Speaker

Kurt-Solomon.gif Council Representatives elected Kurt Salomon, Utah Chapter, as Speaker for 2005-2006. He can be contacted about COR business at kurt@inspectutah.com or 801-523-6060. Alden Gibson was elected Alternate Speaker.

The welcome mat is out to GAHI, CREIA, TAREI members

ASHI has agreed to recognize some of CREIA’s, GAHI’s, and TAREI’s membership requirements, inviting members from those state organizations to take a fast track to becoming an ASHI Member. Members from each organization have to meet slightly different criteria, so if you know of someone who might be interested, suggest they contact ASHI’s membership department (847-759-2820) for the details.

174 suspended

All those who were required to report MRCs but have not done so have been placed on administrative suspension and their listings have been temporarily removed from Find an Inspector on the Web site. If you know of someone who has not complied, encourage them to submit their claim form or contact HQ.  

InspectionWorld photos, MRC certificates and press release available to attendees

Initial feedback from InspectionWorld 2005 indicates that the event was a huge success! More than 1,000 people gathered in Austin for three days of networking, education and an overall good time. A full re-cap from the show will be featured in the April ASHI Reporter. Until then, here are a few points of interest:

  • Interested in seeing if the photographer caught you in Austin? Check out (and order) pictures at www.tombrahlphoto.com
  • Conference audio tapes (and CDs too) are available for purchase at www.allstartapes.com
  • MRC certificates were sent to conference attendees. Those who attended the full conference received 17 MRCs. MRCs for those who attended one or two days were appropriately prorated.
  • Attendees also received a sample press release announcing their participation in the conference.
  • Mark your calendars now for next year’s InspectionWorld, January 12-14, 2006, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Airborne partner now DHL

Airborne is now DHL and ASHI continues to partner with the company to bring the membership a full suite of domestic and international shipping services, covering more than 220 countries and territories around the globe. The membership is also eligible for preferred DHL association member pricing.
To find out more and to set up your account, or if you have questions regarding your current account, please contact the dedicated association hotline at 1-800-MEMBERS (1-800-636-2377, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m., Eastern) or log onto www.membersales.com/ashi.

NCHIA met in Austin

Representatives from four of the National Coalition of Home Inspector Associations (NCHIA) plus ASHI took advantage of being in Austin for InspectionWorld to meet and discuss activities for the group. NCHIA is made up of state organizations that have Memorandums of Understanding with ASHI. The group will be working on legislation issues.

Take advantage of marketing, media advisory services

ASHI has entered into an agreement with Buzz Buzogany, SAVVY-Strategic Resource Partners, LLC, to provide advisory services to ASHI chapters regarding marketing and media plans for The ASHI Experience.

Under our agreement, Buzz will be available to take questions regarding existing media plans, or to help begin the process of planning for the future by outlining basic questions regarding your target market. If research is not involved, the service is free to the chapter. If Buzz is involved in the planning, research, and strategic decision making, and he places the media buy, the minimum cost will be $500 for the top 50 markets or $250 for markets 51+, unless the buy is commissionable (radio, some print media). If his commission for the placement equals or exceeds the minimums, there will be no additional charge to the chapter. This is a phenomenal opportunity to use a media specialist to help you with any or all of your media planning process and to maximize the exposure for your chapter.

While ASHI has contracted SAVVY to provide services to chapters, individuals may also contact Buzz and inquire about hourly rates. He can be reached at buzogany@savvysrp.com or you can call him at 847-749-4012.

Has your chapter applied?

The ASHI Experience Chapter Grant Approval Forms can be found in “The ASHI Experience Chapter Funding & Activities Guidebook.” The guidebook is included on the CD sent to chapter leaders and on the ASHI Web site.

Chapters that have not filed a form are missing out. Fax, mail or e-mail your form and get your funding! Questions? Ask Bob Kociolek, 847-954-3177, bobk@ASHI.org.

Task force looks at benefits for Canadian home inspectors

Alden Gibson, Canadian Member, is heading up a recently created task force charged with identifying ways to better serve home inspectors in Canada. Ideas? Questions? Contact him at alden@inspectgib.com

ASHI calendar of events

• April 15-16, 2005, Board orientation and meeting, Chicago, Ill.

• July 15-16, 2005, ASHI Town Hall Gathering and board meeting, St. Louis, Mo.

• October 21-22, 2005, Chapter Leadership Day and board meeting, Chicago, Ill.

• January 12-14, 2006, InspectionWorld, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

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