Education is the Foundation of ASHI

by Anthony Snyder September 1, 2007

New continuing education form addresses membership concerns

In an important reaffirmation of continuing education among the ASHI membership, a board-appointed task force has introduced new continuing education reporting requirements to clarify the activities accepted during membership renewal.

The task force, which involved representatives of the Chapter Relations, Education and Membership Committees, developed comprehensive guidelines for acceptable continuing education credits. The group also enhanced the Continuing Education Hour Reporting Form (formerly the MRC Claim Form) to address membership concerns about the types of courses needed and some of the maximum amounts that could be claimed in previous years. Download the new form here.

Brian Murphy, chair of the ASHI Education Committee, said, “We wanted to bring ASHI in line with other professional organizations in their training and professional development process.”

The changes, which were implemented immediately, were reflected in the 2007 Continuing Education Hour Reporting Form, sent to all members with their membership renewal packets.

If you joined ASHI before Oct. 1, 2006, then you are required to submit a minimum of 20 hours on this document by Sept. 30, 2007. The hours submitted should be from credits earned Oct. 1, 2006 – Sept. 30, 2007. If you submit additional hours, up to 10 may be rolled over to lower those due on Sept. 30, 2008.

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