Education Committee Plans IW 2011 Education Presentations

The ASHI Education Committee met in Chicago April 30 and May 1 to plan the education for InspectionWorld 2011. We’re
excited about the educational experience you’ll have at the conference. Topics include basements, building science, business and marketing, chimneys, codes, combustion safety, commercial inspections, corrosive drywall, decks, electrical, foreclosures, forensics, foundations, green construction, HVAC, Infrared, lead safety, moisture intrusion, mold, old houses, plumbing, pre-drywall inspections, report writing, roofs, structural, stucco and windows.

In response to requests from attendees at IW 2009 and IW 2010, the committee introduced the following three significant format changes it hopes will add considerably to your overall experience:

1. A new track, Beyond Essentials
2. More advanced-level presentations, and
3. Repeating presentations of high interest.

Beyond Essentials Track

Presentations in this new track are more in-depth than those in the Essentials Track, combining some advanced and essential materials. Aimed at inspectors with two to four years of experience, they provide a more in-depth look at items that are generic to the home inspection business. Experienced inspectors will find these presentations helpful in remaining grounded and as a refresher.

Presentations in the Advanced Track are well beyond the Essential level and are geared to the experienced home inspector who wants to be on the cutting edge. New inspectors would find the material in the Advanced Track very challenging.

More presentations on advanced topics

Past attendees sent the message that they desired more topics aimed at experienced inspectors. In order to accommodate this request, the number of Essential Track presentations has been reduced.

Repeating presentations

InspectionWorld attendees frequently told us that they had to miss a presentation they wanted to attend because it was scheduled for the same time as another presentation they wanted to attend. This year, the Education Committee selected two presentations committee members believe will be the most popular (Plumbing and HVAC) and asked the presenters to make their presentations twice during IW 2011.

We’re excited about the 2011 Inspection-World slate of presenters and their presentations. We have many of the highest-rated speakers from previous years, plus some dynamic new speakers who have received high marks at chapter seminars. It promises to be the best slate in years! So, mark your calendars today to be in Atlanta, Ga., January 25-28, 2011!

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