Editor’s Note: Good People, More Good News
Good news about members just keeps coming.
You may remember that last month, we shared how Douglas Hansen had been able to respond to a request to help educate the public about glass-door safety and the month before, I featured contributions from Jim Katen and the Technical Review Committee.
This month, Jack Fehlandt, ASHI Retired member, and Tom Feiza, ACI and Affiliate Gold member, are in the spotlight.
They’ve teamed up to offer much needed support to a special group of moms and families.
During December, when most of us were focusing on friends, family and the holidays, Jack, using manuals donated by Tom Feiza, Mr. Fix-It, conducted the following six safety/maintenance classes:
- Dec. 3 – three women who have received Habitat for
- Humanity homes
- Dec. 5 – three moms from Teen Parent Connection
- Dec. 6 – 15 moms/families from Teen Parent Connection
- Dec. 7 – nine moms/families from Teen Parent Connection
- Dec. 8 –11 moms/families from Teen Parent Connection
- Dec. 15 – eight moms/families from Teen Parent Connection
Every family received a copy of “How To Operate Your Home” to keep as a reference.
Jack said, “It’s been fun! My job was made easier at some of the sessions because little ones were in the room, so I can reference them/tie them in when talking about garage door openers, big gaps in balusters, 160-degree water, tamper-resistant receptacles, etc., etc., etc. Gets the mom’s attention!”
With Jack off to Arizona for the winter, additional classes will have to wait until spring. But I’m sure Tom and Jack will be teaming up again to teach home maintenance and safety to those who have limited access to this information.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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