Easy Travel to Philly and Plenty to do in the Historical City
Easy travel to Philly and plenty to do in the historical city
ASHI’s InspectionWorld is the largest conference for professional home inspectors. The annual conference will be held on January 6-9, 2015 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel. Philadelphia is known as the birthplace of American democracy and has many interesting historical sites to explore. Come to IW Philadelphia – Great Meetings Happen Here.
Planes, trains or automobile: Philadelphia is an extremely accessible city on the East Coast. You can easily get here. It is conveniently located within just a three hours drive from Washington, D.C. and two hours drive from New York City.
By Train: Today, Philadelphia is a hub of Amtrak. The station is a primary stop on the Washington-Boston Northeast Corridor route and the Keystone Corridor, which connects with Harrisburg and Pittsburgh.
By Regional Rail: SEPTA has regional lines serving the suburbs of Philadelphia. It also connects to New Jersey Transit in Trenton, which continues to Newark, New Jersey, and New York City. Regional Rail also extends south of the city to Wilmington, Delaware.
By Air: The Philadelphia International Airport is approximately seven miles from Center City. The Regional High Speed Airport Line connects Philadelphia International Airport directly to downtown Philadelphia in just 20 minutes; a $8 ride by SEPTA. You’re going to want to disembark at the Market East Station / Pennsylvania Convention Center location, directly across the street from the Hotel.
Indoor Foodie Paradise: The conference hotel, Philadelphia Marriott Hotel Downtown is next door to the Reading Terminal Market and downtown dining, shopping and attractions. When you visit the indoor marketplace, you can enjoy eating virtually every type of cuisine. The Market boasts more than 80 unique merchants so be sure to give yourself plenty of time.
Authentic Philly: Campo’s Deli is a great spot for anyone looking to sample some authentic Philadelphia flavor without having to travel too far to get it. Conveniently located at 214 Market Street, it’s just three blocks from the Liberty Bell. Get the “works”, fried onions, sweet bell pepper and mushrooms. It smells delicious. And messy
“Yo Adrian”: You will want to have your photo taken in front of the Rocky statue. With arms raised in triumph, the statue of Rocky Balboa has long held a place in the hearts of Philadelphia residents and visitors eager to re-enact the boxing underdog’s proud and jubilant training sessions in the 1976 Academy Award-winning film. Its permanent place is near the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, featured in many of the Rocky films.
Independence National Historical Park: Known as the birthplace of American democracy, this is the home of the Liberty Bell, the internationally known symbol of freedom. While historical attractions abound in Philly, Independence Hall has particular significance to the development of the nation. Guided tours are available to visitors year-round to the birthplace of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Independence Visitor Center is the perfect place to begin your visit to Historic Philadelphia.
National Constitution Center: Dedicated to the U.S. Constitution. Explore exhibits and artifacts, and walk among the 42 life-size, bronze statues of the Founding Fathers.
The Betsy Ross House: Alive with the sights and sounds of the times, find out much more about the famous seamstress.
Valley Forge National Historical Park: The encampment headquarters of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. A park on this site honors the sacrifice and strength of those who helped secure freedom for the United States.
These are just some of the interesting sites to visit. Be sure to consider The Barnes Foundation and the Rodin Museum, the Barnes Foundation and the United States Mint which all offer tours.
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