East Tennessee ASHI Hosts Successful Educational Event

by Edited by ASHI Staff April 1, 2008


More than 54 home inspectors from four states attended East Tennessee Chapter’s state and ASHI-approved educational conference in February. This was the chapter’s first two-day seminar. Doug Hansen and Peter Drenan provided 14 hours of education. Attendees also enjoyed a Friday evening icebreaker event, door prizes and an appearance by Brion Grant, ASHI president.

Chapter President Ralph (Woody) E. Havener Jr. reports this was the first visit by an ASHI national officer to the Tennessee Chapter, and ASHI members appreciated his message “about continued improvements of the society’s national representation of all ASHI inspectors, the importance of home inspections and continued exploration of possibilities to enhance services to chapters and chapter members.”

Southern New England Chapter Looks to the Future

Newly elected Southern New England Chapter officers used a press release to let consumers, real estate professionals and prospective members know who they are and what they stand for.

The release stated:  “We are excited for the opportunity to continue serving homebuyers and sellers, real estate professionals and the dedicated members of SNEC.  2008 is shaping up to be a challenging year with the uncertainty of the financial market. Now more than ever, our served markets will be looking for the highest level of expertise and service. Our internal and public outreach programs will focus heavily on this goal.”  

The release also directed readers to Find an Inspector, the chapter and national Web sites, and it invited guests and prospective members to the chapter’s monthly meeting.

SNEC-ASHI leaders for 2008 are as follows: President Warren Tomek; Vice President Thomas Tussing; Treasurer Thomas Ackman; Secretary Richard Madore; and directors James Quarello, Roger Turgeon and Jay Olmstead.

Snec.gif Left to right: Roger Turgeons, director; Jim Quarello, director; Warren Tomek, president; Thomas Tussing, vice president; Jay Olmstead, director; Richard Madore, secretary; and Andrew Kasznay, SNEC immediate past-president and ASHI director.

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