Early renewers compete for free IW
Watch for your ASHI dues renewal notice and plan to renew as soon as you receive it. The names of those who renew early will be placed in a drawing. Three names will be drawn, each to receive a free, full registration for InspectionWorld Atlanta. Details will be included with the notices.
ASHI owns for-profit education corp.
With the creation of ASHI Education Inc. (AEI), a for-profit corporation, the society established the framework to realize a long-desired goal articulated in its current mission statement: “to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.”
Approved by the Board of Directors in October, 2009, AEI is an Illinois for-profit corporation, commonly referred to as a “C Corp.,” with 100 percent of its stock held by ASHI.
AEI’s first agreement established The ASHI School of Home Inspection, a 50-50 joint venture with Casey, O’Malley Associates. Its second was with Carson Dunlop and Associates regarding ASHI@Home.
AEI has greater flexibility than ASHI to develop programs for the home inspection professionals and for those who are interested in becoming home inspectors. There are IRS rules that govern how much non-member activity a 501 (c) (6) organization such as ASHI can engage in or how much non-member income it can accrue. The creation of ASHI Education, Inc. was in line with what the ASHI Board had directed from the April 2009 meeting when they determined ASHI wanted to provide home inspection-related education to anyone interested in it.
Multi-inspector companies: Contact HQ for information
ASHI staff is developing a list of the companies that are eligible for the reduced membership fees authorized
by the Board of Directors at its April meeting.
If your company has three or more inspectors working out of the same office, please contact Russell by phone, 847-954-3185, or e-mail, russelld@ashi.org.
Chapters: Promote your events
Share information about your chapter’s events so they can be posted on the ASHI website and in the Education Corner.
Send the information to sandyb@ashi.org or sarahw@ashi.org.
Send your request for course continuing education approvals to Michele George michele@ashi.org.
IW prospectus and website
The InspectorWorld Atlanta Exhibitor Propsectus is available and the preliminary website is up. If you know of someone who should be exhibiting at IW Atlanta, send that information to Bill Lewis, bill@ashi.org.
CE hours available through chapter seminars
Chapter seminars offer members a convenient way to earn required Continuing Education hours. For a list of CE-approved seminars, go to homeinspector.org.
Be an ASHI fan on Facebook
The ASHI president is blogging, ASHI is Tweeting, now you’re invited to join with the public as an ASHI fan on Facebook. Click here to view and sign up.
Read the ASHI Reporter online
The current issue and eight years of archived issues are just a click away. Go to www.ashireporter.org.
Current ASHI membership
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,529
Associates/ Logo: 118
Associates: 1,592
Retired Members: 111
Affiliates: 87
Total: 5,432
ASHI Mission Statement
To set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.
ASHI calendar of events
• July 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct. 21-22, 2010, Leadership Training Conference, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct 23, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 25-28, 2011, InspectionWorld, Atlanta, Ga.
•Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
• Jan. 13-16, 2013, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.