Dues news: Soldiers and Floridians receive special consideration

by Edited by ASHI Staff November 1, 2004

ASHI Members and Candidates called up for active military duty didn’t have to worry about the September 30th deadline for paying ASHI renewal dues. This year,
ASHI continued its policy of forgiving dues for those serving for the period of their activity duty. 

The membership in Florida also received a reprieve, but only for one month. In recognition of the disruptive influence of recent hurricanes, the renewal deadline for Floridians was extended to October 31, 2004.  

Overall, the membership used the online renewal option in record numbers this year, and the more recent option of paying in two or three installments with a small service charge has also proved to be popular.  

The membership is reminded that all who needed to report MRCs received a claim form with the dues notice. In other words, if you did not receive a form, you do not need to file one.

Chapter leadership day tops 135— new service rolled out

Can you imagine the energy created by more than 135 ASHI chapter leaders in one room? Photos and a full report of the event’s activities will appear in next month’s Reporter. The report will include details of the new service that offers convenient, cost-effective, one-stop shopping for imprinted ASHI Experience marketing materials.

Chapters: Reporting activities ensures eligibility for new grants

Chapter leaders can ensure the eligibility of their chapters for 2005 ASHI Experience Chapter Grants by reporting how they used their 2004 Grants. It’s easy to do. Leaders, look for the Year-End Chapter Activities Report on pages 13-15 of the “Chapter Activities and Funding Guidebook” on the Chapter CD or on www.ashi.org in The ASHI Experience section of the Extranet.

Exhibit booths in demand:reserve early

The ASHI Experience exhibit booths— three suitable for real estate expos, and two for consumer events—are available to be reserved by chapters and ASHI Inspectors. Booths are available to chapters for shipping and insurance —to Members for a reasonable fee. Demand is high, and an official reservation form is required.

Requests are filled on a first-come, first served basis. E-mail Russell at HQ — russelld@ashi.org — to obtain the reservation form.

Legislation Action e-mail alerts membership

A link to the ASHI Legislative Action Center was e-mailed to the ASHI Membership. The purpose was to alert the membership about pending legislation to allow banks to sell real estate. Home inspectors are encouraged to use the action center to learn about the legislation and to contact their senator to express an opinion about a practice that could encourage packaging of services, including the home inspection.

Get involved. Answer the Call for Volunteers

Fill out and return the Call for Volunteers form. Committee members are selected from those who return the form. Current committee members must return the form to indicate willingness to serve again. There is no automatic reassignment to committees.

Publicis Dialog in Chicago merges with Manning Selvage & Lee

Guided by skillful professionals, ASHI has used public relations to establish itself as the voice of the profession and to bring the message of consumer protection to the public. This was accomplished as a successful relationship with Selz Seabolt continued when Publicis Dialog acquired that PR firm. Recently, it was announced that Publicis is merging with one of the country’s leading public relations firms, Manning Selvage & Lee (MS&L). ASHI’s current representative, Lisa Gunggoll, will remain on the ASHI account, and exciting plans for 2005 are in the works — details to be announced soon.

ASHI Calendar of events

• December 4, 2004, Committee Leadership Workshop, Chicago, Ill.
• January 12, 2005, Board meeting, Austin, Texas
• January 13-15, 2005, InspectionWorld, Austin, Texas
• April 15-16, 2005, Board orientation and meeting, Chicago, Ill. (tentative)
• July 15-16, 2005, ASHI Town Hall Gathering and Board meeting,
Location TBA
• October 21-22, 2005, Chapter Leadership Day and Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.

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