Details, Details
Flashing—who needs flashing?!
Lon Grossman
Technihouse Inspections, Inc.
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
5′ high, 6′ deep, 11′ across sparrow’s nest in attic…
Randy Via
C.L. Gleich & Associates Home Inspection, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
Here’s a new method used by some builders in the Northwest to secure wiring in a crawl space.
Paul Luczyk
“A” TEAM Home Inspection
Mukilteo, Wash.
After the hurricane
Matt L. Spence
Perfection Inspection, Inc.
Boca Raton, Fla.
This is a photo from a re-inspection on a nearly completed home in Hawaii. Initially, these bathroom fans were not vented, and I recommended that they be vented to the exterior. I made sure I was more specific the second time around. Notice the misplaced vent hole in the sheathing… that one’s free!
Make sure the fan is on before you flush…or use the sink…or the shower…
Alex Woodbury
Woodbury Home Inspection Service Inc.
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
Just ask the sediment nicely
This is a sediment trap installed in a manner that is not functional. All we have to do is trick the sediment into making a left turn!
Larry Ayers
Ayers Home Inspection Services, Inc.
Snellville, Ga.
This is a photo of an outside a/c condenser. When I walked around the house, the owner’s dog was urinating on the a/c unit, which apparently was the cause of a significant amount of corrosion over the years. It
wasn’t funny until the owner called “Rusty” into the house.
Glenn C. Welch, JD, PE
Welch Engineering, LLC
Canton, Ga.
Answered prayers
Dwight Denison
AmeriSpec Home Inspection Services
Poquoson, Va.
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