Delivery Drivers Appeal to Home Inspectors: Please Don’t Overlook House Numbers
Hard-to-read or non-existent house numbers can translate into simple irritations such as a cold pizza or to serious repercussions from delayed emergency services when seconds count.
T. Mark Fink, president of Delivery Drivers Organization, wrote to ASHI asking the membership to include the following house number recommendations in their reports:
• Locate the house number next to the front door.
• Use numbers that contrast in color with the background.
• Use 4-inch or taller numbers.
• Repeat the house number at the end of the driveway and along shared driveways
• Oil drivers, propane drivers, meter
readers, cable and phone service providers also would like small numbers (1-inch) near or on their service ports.
Fink said that increased use of these guidelines would help delivery drivers do their jobs better. Emergency responders also would welcome their use.
Federal Tax Credits for Residential Energy Efficiency
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will develop the final rules and forms to clarify which products and services qualify for the tax credits. Please note: not all homes, appliances and products with the ENERGY STAR label qualify for a tax credit. You must refer to the final IRS rules to determine what qualifies for the tax credit.
Click here for more information.
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