Dartman Attracts Maryland Realtors to Greater Baltimore & MAC-ASHI Booth

by Edited by ASHI Staff November 1, 2005

MAC-ASHI brought tape measures and Greater Baltimore brought Inspection Man darts when the two chapters joined forces to exhibit at the September 12-14, Baltimore.gifMaryland Association of Realtors® annual convention in Ocean City, Maryland.
While the tape measures were popular, Dartman was the real hit of the show.
The human-shaped dart imprinted with the ASHI logo, complete with fins for legs, had a gel head that made it stick to a wall when thrown. From all reports, once the news of Dartman spread through the hall, visitors flocked to the booth to be sure they got one. Once there, they also were provided with information about ASHI and the chapters’ members.

CIC1.gif77 earn CEUs & MRCs at Central Illinois’ summer conference

Seventy-seven home inspectors from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Missouri attended the Saturday, July 9, 2005, one-day seminar that qualified for six State of Illinois C.E. credits and/or ASHI Membership Renewal Credits. The conference, held in Springfield, Ill., featured instructors Corey Friedman and Charles Bellefontaine of the Bellman Group.

CIC2.gifIn addition to attending the “Beyond the Basics in Air Conditioning” and “The Plumbing System” sessions, 23 early-rising home inspectors toured the Superior Walls of Illinois production/distribution facility in Springfield, Ill., to learn about pre-cast concrete foundation systems.

CIC4.gifNewly elected Chapter President John Dunn, along with the help of Frank Buraski, Mark Teague and other chapter members, provided non-ASHI home inspectors attending the CICASHI’s “2nd Annual Summer Conference” with information about ASHI and the Central Illinois Chapter. In addition to the annual seminar, the chapter provides training at its monthly meetings in Springfield, Ill.
Photos courtesy of David Miller

Home inspectors from near & far flock to Hampton Roads’ Tech Talk seminar

Hampton1.gifMore than 80 home inspectors from Georgia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia attended the September 24-25 Hampton Road Chapter’s annual Tech Talk seminar in Newport News, Va. FREA was a sponsor and attendees received 13 hours of training on inspecting roofs, crawl spaces, chimneys and fireplaces. Among those sharing expert advice were Joe Jenkins, author of the “Slate Bible,” and Bruce Harley, technical director for Conservation Services, who discussed “When Bad Things Happen to Good Houses: Air, heat and moisture basics.”

Photo courtesy of Bob Jennings

Task force takes on the challenge of Candidate development

Smart-Track-006.gifThe ASHI Board of Directors believes it’s in the best interest of the Society and the profession for ASHI Candidates to steadily progress to the Candidates with logo use level and then on to becoming full Members. With thSmart-Track-002.gifis in mind, it placed the challenge of Candidate development in the hands of a special task force.

On September 9, 2005, Brion Grant opened discussions with Tim Stull, Scott Patterson, Charles Gifford, J.D. Grewell, Brian Murphy, Ron Rusch and Leon Costanten in attendance. Bob Kociolek, Anthony Snyder and Jim Jones from the ASHI staff also were there.

The group explored ideas for educational and mentoring programs, sample examinations, parallel inspections and more in its quest to develop a “Smart Track” total package to present to the Board.

Chapter Leadership Days presentation

Because “Smart Track” activity will take place in chapters, the task force decided to present an overview of their proposed program and invite feedback at Chapter Leadership Days in Chicago in October.

Above at top, l to r: Brion Grant, Brian Murphy

Photo above right, l to r: Bob Kociolek, Leon Costanten, Charles Gifford, Ron Rusch, JD Grewell

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