Customizing Your Member Profile

by Chris Karczewski July 19, 2020

With the launch of the new ASHI Website, one of the key features is the updated Member Profile. In the previous
design of the website, this area had a lot of untapped potential. With the website redesign, we took the opportunity
to transform these member profiles into something even more valuable for ASHI members, offering you a way to better
introduce yourselves and your businesses to prospective clients.

Designing A New Profile

First and foremost, the member profile serves as your first impression to clients who use the Find An Inspector (FAI)
Search. Because the FAI Search is where the rubber meets the road in terms of connecting clients with ASHI members,
the goals of the member profiles are to give ASHI members an adequate platform and space to explain who they are and
what their business offers, and to display that information in a manner that is approachable and understandable for
homebuyers who may not be familiar with home inspection.

Considering the Clients

During their homebuying process, many clients are being introduced to home inspection for the first time. This is an
opportunity for ASHI members to help them learn about their inspection and to become a resource for them during this
time. Consider this when customizing your profile and reflect on how a client might comprehend the information
presented on your member profile. We encourage all members to visit the new “Buyers & Owners” section and take some
suggestions from the resources offered there.

Member Profile: The Basics

Cover Photos

Starting at the top of the profile, the first options to customize are the photos. For the Profile Picture sections,
either a headshot or company logo are both appropriate options to use. When choosing between those options, consider
your business. If you are a single operator, you might want to create a more personal touch by opting for a headshot.
If you are part of a larger group, you might want to stick with the company logo to promote brand consistency. In any
case, you will want to make sure all photos and logos have a professional look and fit the space correctly.

When it comes to the Cover Photo section, there are many concepts to explore: team photos, branded assets or logos,
stock photography or some combination of these. The ASHI-branded photo that comes as a default is a fine placeholder,
but inserting your own unique cover photo can help catch the attention of potential clients.

Here are some ideas on ways you can use different photos to customize your own profile. For best results, you will want to size your Profile Photo to 172 X 172px and size your Cover Photo to 1000 X 366px.

Example 1: Company graphic in the cover image area, headshot in profile picture area.
Example 2: Stock photo in the cover image area, logo in profile picture area.
Example 3: Stock photo with logo center orientation in the cover image area, headshot in profile picture
Example 4: Stock photo with logo right orientation in the cover image area, headshot in profile picture

Contact Information

The next section, contact information, is a straightforward portion of the profile. The contact information on your
profile will auto-match the ASHI database to display the information you provided when you joined ASHI; however, you
can customize your contact information to provide your name, email, phone, website, and social media channels in the
format you choose. The address that is added to this section of your profile will never be displayed, but it’s a
necessary item to consider because this address will be a key marker for how your searches on the FAI search engine.
In addition, the Request to Contact form is standard on all profiles, allowing for clients to have a quick way to
reach out to members.

ASHI Accolades

Every member will have their membership level displayed on the bottom right corner of the profile header. This
feature will automatically update as you advance your membership level, so you can be assured that your profile is
always up to date. In addition, for members taking part in the Background Verified Inspector (BVI) Program, the BVI
badge will also automatically display, as long as you are in good standing.

Member Profile: My Inspection Includes

ASHI Standard of Practice

To kick off the “My Inspection Includes” section, there is dedicated space to bring more emphasis to and
understanding of the ASHI Standard of Practice and its influences on the home inspection. This emphasis will
reinforce not only the idea that hiring an ASHI member will provide a thorough service, but also that ASHI members go
above and beyond what is required. This is a standard section on all member profiles.

Property Types & Languages

In these sections, you can easily display all the various property types you are prepared to inspect and any
languages you speak. Customizing these sections will not only help out members who specialize in inspecting various
types of property or who speak multiple languages, but this information will also help clients choose the inspector
who will fit their needs effectively.

Member Profile: The Finer Details

Additional Services

This section refines what had been categorized as “expertise” options. Now you can display the additional services
and techniques that you provide to clients, that exist outside the scope of the Standard of Practice. An
acknowledgment that ASHI members go above and beyond what is generally expected, this section provides the
opportunity for you to effectively display what sets your business apart from others and helps you carve out your
niche in the market. The Additional Services section is one of the optional sections that clients can select to
filter through and view.


The Bio is the place to tell your story. You can use this area to explain any noteworthy or unique details about your
business and to supplement other sections of the profile. You could consider providing an overview of your
professional background or outlining any relevant education, work experience, or philosophies that play a role in the
ways you perform inspections and operate your business. You can take advantage of this section to infuse your
personality and professionalism into your profile and make connections with potential clients.


The Licensing section does not apply to all members; however, if you are an inspector who practices in a state that
requires licensing, then you can use this space to provide your updated licensing information. By clearly displaying
your licensing information, you can reassure the clients who view your profile that you meet the state’s requirements
to perform home inspections.

Member Profile: Wrap-Up

Setting up your new profile should be a quick process. If you have all the information you need at your fingertips,
it might take you 10 to 30 minutes to complete all the sections. By taking the time to customize your profile, you
will be able to make a big impact when clients view your profile. Collecting the images you want to use in your
profile might be an extra project, but all of the efforts you make will certainly pay off in positive results. Taking
a bit of your time to think through your profile will help you create an engaging profile.

To help even more as you get started on customizing your profile, view this video guide that will walk you through setting up your profile.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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