Current Events

by Edited by ASHI Staff October 1, 2013

Broad input sought on new radon standards

NOTICE: New standards were released for public review on September 13, 2013.

Radon Measurement in Homes

Radon Measurement in Large Buildings

Radon Mitigation in Schools and Large Buildings

Radon Mitigation in Multifamily Buildings (2nd review)

You have seen the significance of these standards with HUD’s adoption of the Multifamily Measurement Standard. They can become very important to your practice and business. A few of the changes that have been made include:

Testing protocol for Radon Decay Products

Several important requirements now appear as recommendations

A wider audience (viz. global) is addressed

The broadest possible input is critical to ensuring these standards reflect best practices for measurement and mitigation in the face of a Class A carcinogen. Set aside time, now, to review the documents you’re interested in and submit your comments. Only then can radon professionals and those they serve have standards that make sense.

Contact: Trudy Smith, American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists.,
Delaware Home Inspectors, Are You Aware of the
Impending Licensing Law Board of Home Inspectors

Phone: (302) 744-4500

Fax: (302) 739-2711


Mailing address:

Cannon Building

861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203

Dover, DE 19904

BOARD FUNCTION: The Delaware Board of Home Inspectors (“the Board”) is newly established under Title 24 of the Delaware Code, Chapter 41, effective August 6, 2013. The Board will:
ensure that applicants are qualified for licensure
license home inspectors and trainees and issue temporary permits
have the authority to discipline licensees.

MEETINGS: The Board generally meets the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. However, please confirm the date and time on the Public Meeting Calendar. All meetings are open to the general public and are held at the Cannon Building, Conference Room B, 861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware.

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