Crank it up

by Edited by ASHI Staff November 1, 2008


This is a photo of the Model T House and memories of the days when you had to crank your house to start it up.

Thomas J. Sansone
National Property Inspections
Rochester, N.Y.

Let’s see … that extension cord goes to? Hmm …  why is it arcing? LOL.

Cliff Sims
All City Inspections
El Cajon, Calif.

Shaky situation
The client asked me why the deck was shaky. I think this unique support system has something to do with it.

Randall Smith
Summit Home Inspection
Downingtown, Pa.

Under pressure
I found this garage door spring being tortured under a cast-iron drain pipe. I hope the homeowner got a good deal on the installation fee.

Russell Poe
Good Cents Home Inspection
Birmingham, Ala.

Now, that’s a hose bib!
Daryl Gage
HomePro Inspection Services
Norfolk, Va.

Bag it
When I flushed the toilet, it made a growling noise.
I pulled the the tank top and discovered someone had used an old grocery bag to repair the fill valve. It is a potential cross-connection.

Timothy Hemm
Eagle Home Inspections
Yucaipa, Calif.

More uses for plastic bottles
Here is another handyman’s idea of recycling a plastic  2-liter Coke bottle. It’s being used as part of the water heater flue pipe.
Chuck Evans
Complete Property Inspections, LLC

Picky, picky
This shower was called out as a safety issue, as it had exterior floodlights in it.

Mike Tomash
Tomash Professional Home Inspection, LLC
Marion, Iowa

Close call
This garage door almost took my head off at an inspection. Only one wheel kept it from completely falling.

John Limongello
Land America Property Inspection Services
Atlanta, Ga.

Does it have four or six cylinders?
This is an automotive fuse wired into the internal wiring for a furnace. Can anyone identify if the furnace is a Ford or a Chevy?

Max Curtis
Livermore, Calif.

This is a leopard-print attic access panel. The room even had cover plates to match.

Susan Walker
Walker Inspection Service, LLC
Portland, Ore.

Illegal connection
This is a photo of an illegal bypass at an electrical service that had the meter removed for non payment. The homeowner figured out a way to bypass the system and not pay his delinquent bill or a reconnect charge.

Ric Davis
Davis Inspection Services, LLC
Troy, Mich.

Plastic surgery for shingles
A normal part of the aging process on combination
shingles is the loss of granules and curling. In this case, the homeowner “stapled” the edges down with a standard office stapler. They look nicer from the street!
Robert E. Lee
GENERAL Home Inspections, Inc.
Rochester, Minn.

Prickly predicament
I usually do not inspect fencing around the back yard, but when they used the wrong size nails to attach all the wood slats and they protruded over an inch, I felt like I was deep-sea fishing and wanted to hang up a few red snappers.

Brandon Dyles
Picture Perfect Inspections
Bartlet, Tenn.

The jet stream
The ceiling of this room in the basement should stay nice and warm with two heat vents, a return air vent and a ceiling fan to keep the heat up high.

Kevin Hawes
Assured Home Inspections
Calgary, Alberta

Hot cha cha
This is a seller’s installation of a direct-vent water tank. The flue pipe was so hot, he’s lucky the house didn’t burn down.

Ron Cook
Close-Up Home Inspections
Hopedale, Mass.

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