Council News: Hold on to Your Hats!
When I call ASHI headquarters and get a voicemail, often I hear, “Thank you for being part of the ASHI family.” It might be a little sappy of me, but that always makes me feel good.
I got the same feeling at InspectionWorld, and I wish that all ASHI members had the opportunity to share the feeling. If you can attend in Phoenix next year, by all means do so; it will give you a warm sense of what you are a part of.
This year’s council meeting was held the day before the ASHI Board Meeting and two days before the InspectionWorld kickoff. It was well attended and sported an enthusiastic crowd.
We had almost twice as many volunteers to man the Directors and Officers Nominating Committees, and we will have an election to staff those very important committees.
We established a great working relationship with the Board and its committees and look forward to helping make 2011 a banner year for ASHI. We have a great Board and are coming to the table with our sleeves rolled up, ready to help where and when asked.
The ASHI Board expects to develop opportunities for education and diversification that should give us all a chance to improve our bottom lines and it is exploring avenues to help ASHI grow.
Hold on to your hats! The ASHI family is on the move!
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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