Council Elects 2009 Directors
Joe Kelly
Advanced Home Inspections
Virginville, Pa.
I would like to thank the membership for its support in my election to the ASHI Board. I am always eager to learn new things that can benefit my clients and my business. As a director, I hope to increase membership benefits and communications, which create stronger customer service, higher ASHI standards and chapter viability. This is achieved through continuing education, and I will strive to keep the membership abreast of new technologies and related training to better serve our clients, grow our membership and businesses. Thank You.
Jack McGraw
Jacks Home Services
Hickory Hills, Ill.
I am a retired contractor and lieutenant paramedic/ firefighter with over 35 years of experience in the construction industry and an active home inspector. My wife Deb and I have been blessed with six wonderful children, five daughters and one son. We also now have seven grandchildren and I greatly enjoy watching my daughters raise their families.
I have served the Northern Illinois Chapter of ASHI as president for the past two years, and look forward to working with the national Board for the next three years. It has been a very tough year for the home inspection industry. However, we have been able to retain 70 percent of our members at our chapter level by bringing quality speakers and great continuing education CE nights. I am confident I will bring some new and exciting ideas to the ASHI Board.
Paul Staron
Valley Building Inspections, Inc.
Scottsdale, Ariz.
I look forward to bringing my energy and years of experience to the ASHI Board of Directors. Since joining ASHI in 1996, I’ve been impressed with the quality of the people who volunteer. That admiration encouraged me to volunteer to help lead my chapter and ultimately serve as chairman of the ASHI Public Relations Committee from 2006 to present.
ASHI is the leading home inspection association. To maintain and deserve that moniker, we have work to do. That work includes looking for new and innovative ways to bring more value and benefits to our membership. I’m excited about helping ASHI with this work in my new capacity and to help lead our profession into the future.
Scott Warga
ACSI American Construction Specialists & Investigations, LLC
Gilbert, Ariz.
*Member involvement and market recognition are the biggest issues facing ASHI. I feel if we provide more benefits for the members, they will want to be more involved and, in turn, increase our market share and position.
Charles Zehner
Sherlock Homes Property Inspections
Evansville, Ind.
* ASHI is the premier home inspector organization because its members generally offer the highest quality inspection in their markets. This quality is why I wanted to be part of ASHI. ASHI must strive to not only keep membership requirements high, but to raise them. This should be done while being “user friendly” for new associates by helping them be the best they can be. All ASHI Certified Inspectors should be willing to mentor a new Associate. ASHI should look at a real effort to mentor new Associates to help them achieve Certified Inspector status.
The second issue facing ASHI today is to increase membership by adding value to membership. I’m excited to see this beginning since our new executive director was hired.
Michael Burroughs
QED Service
Monroe, La.
(Director for 2009 only to fill remaining term of seat vacated by Marvin Goldstein.)
*The loss of membership and the decline of local chapters are the two most significant issues facing ASHI in the next 12 months. Our effort should be placed on aiding local chapters to stand out from the industry. We need to show true value on the local marketplace for the ASHI name.
Chuck Walton
The Housedoctors
Naperville, Ill.
Alternate Director, 2009
*The most challenging issue facing ASHI is the fact that we need to be better known and recognized by the general consumers of America. The next significant issue that faces ASHI is maintaining current membership and the growth of future members and candidates. Again through the utilization of our current members and candidates development of an incentive program rewarding chapter or members who recruit the most members and candidates annually.
* Comments taken from matrix submitted to the council for the election.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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