Council Elects 2007 ASHI Directors

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2007

Each year, the Council of Representatives elects  one-third of the 15-director ASHI board. The nominees are members of the council, and the five who receive the most votes become directors. The remaining nominees become alternate directors in the order of votes received. Voting closed December 5, 2006.

Comments are from the matrices submitted to the council for the election.

Alden Gibson, R.H.I.

Inspections by Gibson
Breslau, Ontario

“At this time, I would bring a Canadian perspective to the table that could see things in a different perspective and promote progressive thinking. This could only bring positive results. I have served as alternate to the BOD, giving me board experience that would allow for a smoother transition to the board. I am also a hard worker and have a desire to learn and an eagerness to serve ASHI.”

Marvin Goldstein
Building Inspection Service, Inc.
Southampton, Pa.

“As a founding member of ASHI, one who has attended 29 national conferences, been a local chapter member for 30 years, helped write the original Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, member of the Legislative Committee for four years, member of the ASHI president’s task force for disaster inspections, an active participant in local chapter affairs for 30 years, I have a clear track record in governance and participating fully.”

Ronald Rusch

Rusch Associates
Kansas City, Mo.

“I believe I am the best candidate for the Board of Directors because of my commitment to ASHI and my desire to see the Society continue to be the premiere organization in the home inspection industry. I want to be an integral part of the team that faces the issues before the Society and charts the course for our future. I will come to the Board of Directors without any vested interests or a personal agenda. Drawing on my experience as an engineer, I pledge to thoroughly review issues brought before the Board of Directors and evaluate them based on their respective merits.”

Brendan Ryan

Component & System Analysis
Valencia, Pa.

“My desire is to see and be involved with the growth of ASHI through the coming years. Our profession is rapidly changing and our leadership has come to realize that we have to evolve and grow for the better with it. I share the vision that ASHI can be both the biggest and the best. Since my first election as its president, the PRO ASHI Chapter has flourished into a highly active and financially solvent organization. The upcoming years and the changing terrain of the home inspection profession offer a great opportunity for ASHI to grow while still maintaining the highest of standards.”

Ken-Salvo.gif Kenneth Salvo
Ridge Home Inspection, Inc.
Basking Ridge, N.J.

(Salvo served on the ASHI board in 2006, finishing out the term of Brion Grant when Grant was elected an officer)
“My desire to serve and be a voice of the membership has been the driving force for my active involvement in ASHI – both at local (Garden State Chapter) and national levels – for many years. I have been able to take pride in knowing that my vote and actions gave a voice to the countless members that, for one reason or another, were unable to serve. My ability to work well with people having different viewpoints than my own, and being willing to listen to all sides of an issue in order to make an informed decision, will allow me to continue to work for the greater good of the membership.”

First Alternate: Robert Pyne

Pyne, Inc. dba Amerispec Home Inspection Services
Peyton, Colo.

“I have been involved with my chapter (Rocky Mountain) as a board member for nine years. I understand that no
organization can be successful unless those involved in its management have full understanding of the organization’s bylaws and governance procedures. I am willing to work with others and listen openly to their ideas, learn from others’ experience, and I accept change as the only constant we can expect in our working career and personal life.

“I believe that ASHI represents the best in the industry, and I am a strong advocate of ASHI. The future lies in the strength of our membership and, as leaders, we must be responsive to our membership.”

Second Alternate: Michael J. Stephens

American Home Inspections
Fairfax Station, Va.

“I feel that I can add a fresh viewpoint to the Board of Directors. I believe that the future of ASHI is in its ability to attract the quality Candidates of today, and I will continue the traditions of ASHI as the best and most ethical home inspector organization. And, I will help promote membership initiatives that come before the board that will develop these new Candidate members.
“I believe I can help promote better benefits for our existing members in the areas of health insurance, E&O and other benefits that could be available to the membership.”

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