Council Elects 2006 ASHI Directors

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2006

Each year the Council of Representatives elects one-third of the 15-director ASHI board. The nominees are members of the council, and the five who receive the most votes become directors. The remaining nominees become alternate directors in the order of votes received. Voting closed December 5, 2005. This year, the first alternate will serve the final year of Director Brion Grant’s term because he was elected to the position of ASHI Secretary.

Comments are from the matrices submitted to the council for the election.

John-Gerardi.gif John Gerardi
Gerardi Engineering, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

I am very grateful to the chapter members and national leadership who have entrusted me and allowed me to serve the chapter and the national organization in the various roles as leader and committee member described above.  

The following are my beliefs and goals for ASHI:

ASHI is by far the leading home inspection organization in the country. In order to maintain our lead and increase our influence, we need to dedicate ourselves to improving communications with the members, our “customers,” to keep them fully informed. We need to find a way to take advantage of the tremendous talent and dedication of the COR to fulfill their role of aiding the Board of Directors in communicating with the membership. We need to continue to offer additional benefits to our membership at reasonable rates like E&O insurance and group health insurance. I will strive to meet these goals as a member of the board of directors.

Andy-Kaz.gif Andrew J. Kasznay Jr.
Kasznay’s Fine Home Inspections LLC, Harwinton, Conn.

I have been very active nationally and locally on ASHI matters. I have the time and the inclination to study the issues affecting ASHI. Since becoming a home inspector, I have been very active in home inspection issues. I have lobbied at the state level to effect good home inspector legislation and regulations in Connecticut. I was invited to testify before the Texas Real Estate Commission on the ethics of home inspectors. I am the best candidate to become a member of the Board of Directors because of my history in other organizations and my desire to guide ASHI for the benefit of the members and home inspection profession.

Kenneth-Salvo.gif Ken Salvo
(First alternate, will serve last year of Brion Grant’s term)
Ridge Home Inspection, Inc., Basking Ridge, N.J.

Homebuyers are entitled to some assurance that their chosen home inspector is both technically competent and ethical. While not perfect, ASHI is head and shoulders above any other home inspector association in this regard. More attention should be paid to education, in both the technical and ethics areas of the home inspection profession. There is always room for improvement. State licensing can create a perception that “all home inspectors are created equal.” That’s where membership in ASHI—still the premier home inspector association—can help to set one home inspector apart from the others.

My desire to serve the membership as a volunteer has been the driving force for my active involvement in ASHI–both at local and national levels–for many years. In return for the hours of committee work and leadership responsibilities, I have been able to take pride in knowing that my vote and actions gave a voice to the countless members who, for one reason or another, were unable to serve. Being that “voice”—by volunteering my skills and taking time to give back to my profession—remains my goal. I believe that my ability to work well with people having different viewpoints and being willing to listen to all sides of an issue in order to make an informed decision will allow me to work for the greater good of the membership and the profession

Robert-Peterson.gif Robert A. Peterson
Peterson Home Inspection Services, Inc., Carmel, Ind.

I’ve been involved with my chapter for years as a member and officer of an Indianapolis SIG Group and with the Council of Representatives-Great Lakes Chapter. I will spend whatever time is necessary to study ASHI governance and issues and to make informed decisions.

I’ve worked with home inspectors in Indianapolis through our SIG Group to increase our knowledge and to make us all better inspectors. I speak at Realtor® offices and homebuyer seminars on the importance of an ASHI inspection, and I’ve taught a home inspection training course to help new inspectors enter the business.

I am an honest, hard-working and dedicated business owner who has successfully owned and operated a small business since 1971. My experience in the home inspection industry and business in general will guide me in making decisions that are in the best interest of ASHI and all our members.

Steve-McNamee.gif Steve McNamee
Homecheck Inspection Service, St. Peters, Mo.

Being elected to a director position in an organization of your inspector peers carries with it a huge responsibility. Being unprepared is not an option. I promise to devote any amount of time necessary to be able to serve this position to the best of my ability.

During my time on the COR, we have gone from not being used, ostracized, to trying to get our foot back in the door. Transparency was a popular word a few years ago in the COR. It got steamrolled over by the word branding. Somehow, if you were for transparency, you were not a backer of branding. Well, branding was not able to reach its full potential before being thrown to the wayside and I believe one of those reasons was lack of transparency. Although many ASHI chapters were making great use of the funds, many individuals didn’t see the big picture and just looked at it as more dues coming out of their pockets.

I pledge I will make every effort for the members never to be left in the dark, especially in endeavors of this magnitude. I will always make informed decisions based upon what is best for the membership.

Miki-Mertz.gif Miki Mertz
Complete Home Inspection, Shawnee, Kan.

Giving of one’s time is the best indicator of concern and commitment. I have volunteered on the chapter and national level to serve at various levels on committees and behind the scenes, taking notes for people at group meetings, consulting with others to gather background information, proofreading motions and papers. I do care about ASHI and want it to continue to be successful.

I am a good listener and tend to be diplomatic and open-minded, gathering facts before making up my mind. The position of director involves this important skill. The director must remember that the job is to represent the membership and to make the best decisions for ASHI as a whole, not just to get their own opinions expressed. The director must work with the board, the COR and ASHI staff. I have always gotten along well with each group. I was the one who suggested bridging the communications gap between the board and the COR with the “adopt a director” program. Strong communications are important to me.

Robert-Pyne.gif Alternate Director for 2006
Second alternate moves up to alternate because Ken Salvo will be serving the last year of Director Brion Grant’s term.
Robert B. Pyne
AmeriSpec Home Inspection Services, Peyton, Colo.

I understand that no organization can be successful unless those involved in its management have full understanding of the organizations bylaws and governance procedures. I am willing to work with others and listen openly to their ideas, learn from others experience, and I accept change as the only constant we can expect in our working career and personal life. I will willingly contribute the time and effort needed.

I am honest and hard-working. I believe that ASHI represents the best in the industry, and I am a strong advocate of ASHI. The future lies in the strength of our membership, and, as a leader we must be responsive to our membership. As an owner of a multi-inspector company, I understand the need for fiscal responsibility, internal cooperation and budgeting to make an organization viable.

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