Connecting With Customers

by Sandy Bourseau June 1, 2004

The ASHI Experience Update

It could have been an embarrassing moment for ASHI Member Steve Baranello when his cell phone rang during a presentation for the more than 100 attendees at last April’s rollout of The ASHI Experience in Rye, New York.

As heads turned to where he stood at the back of the room, Baranello looked at the text message on his phone: “Please contact me at this number; I am ready to schedule an inspection.” Then he looked at the overhead screen at the front of the room where his own contact management page was now on view.

No need to be embarrassed. Gordon Rudow, one of ASHI’s branding consultants, had triggered the call through Find An Inspector on, captivating the crowd with this demonstration of immediate connection between a prospect using the Web site and an ASHI Inspector.

Using his laptop computer, Rudow had gone to and entered the local zip code in Find An Inspector. From the resulting list, he chose Baranello, who operates The Home Inspection Group, Ltd. in Floral Park, N.Y. By clicking on “Contact Inspector,” Rudow reached the contact information screen, where he filled in his name, checked the box to schedule an inspection and submitted the form.

Delivery time: 20 seconds

Because Baranello had his “Find An Inspector & Web Settings” functions set to receive both e-mail and cell phone (SMS text) messages from prospects, his phone rang in less than 20 seconds.

The same message also went to his e-mail address. And, as the audience watched, all the information about the prospect entered on the contact information screen appeared in his online Contact Management Tool, which was being projected on the screen at the front of the room.

Set-up and updates required

The ASHI Web site Find An Inspector function is designed to accommodate consumers’ preferences for contacting ASHI Inspectors. Pick up the phone, send an e-mail or a call-back—the choice is theirs. Actually all the choices are theirs only if the ASHI Inspector selected has kept his phone number and e-mail and Web addresses up-to-date in the Membership Profile, plus has activated the cell phone/pager option in the Find An Inspector & Web settings.

All Members and Candidates w/logo use have access to these tools, which can be found under “My Membership” on the ASHI Membership Extranet ( The ASHI Experience is about technical expertise and customer service. These tools were developed to make it easy for consumers to contact ASHI Inspectors, and to make it easy for ASHI Inspectors to manage the contact information. 

Memorable moment

Both long-time and new members filled the room at the Rye, N.Y., rollout. Dis-cussions were spirited; questions direct. This crowd wanted to know everything there was to know about The ASHI Experience. Steve Gladstone, ASHI president; Rob Paterkiewicz, ASHI executive director; chapter leaders and branding team consultants covered all elements of the branding initiative and answered questions about its value to consumers and to the Membership. Nevertheless, at the close of day, one of the most memorable moments was a cell phone ringing at the back of the room, delivering the message, “Please contact me at this number; I am ready to schedule an inspection.”


How To Set Up Your
Cell Phone/Pager To Receive SMS Text Messages

  • Log in to the Membership Extranet using your membership ID# and password.
  • Click on the Find An Inspector & Web Settings tab.
  • Click on Find An Inspector Search – Customer Contact Options.
  • Select “Yes” for the “Prospects can contact me by SMS text message” section.
  • Click on the See Examples link.
  • Find your cell phone/pager carrier to determine the correct format for entering your SMS text message address. For example, a correct format for Verizon is
  • Enter your text message address in the SMS text message address field following your carrier’s format exactly. For example, Verizon would be
  • Click on the “Submit Changes” button.
  • Scroll down to the section titled Find An Inspector Search – Customer Contact Options again.
  • Click on the “Click Here” link to send a verification text message to your cell phone or pager.
    (Available to ASHI Members and Candidates w/Logo Use.)

How to Use the
Contact Management Tool

  • Log in to the Membership Extranet using your membership ID# and password.
  • Click on the Contact Management section.
  • Vital information including phone number and e-mail address will be displayed for each person who has contacted you via the ASHI Web site.
  • Click on each record to view, edit, delete or print detailed information about the contact.
  • Click on the “Add a Contact” link to add individuals from your own customer lists.
  • Click on the “Download” link to save the information in a Microsoft Excel format, which can be easily imported into your own database program.
  • Review your Contact Management Tool often as there is a 5MB limit on data stored.
    (Available to ASHI Members and Candidates w/Logo Use.)


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