Committee Works on Chapter Component of The ASHI Experience
The Chapter Relations Committee (CRC) got down to work in November, 2003 to hammer out details of chapter involvement in The ASHI Experience. Fifty dollars of membership dues are earmarked for chapter use in promotion of The ASHI Experience. Photo: Committee members (l to r): Greg Caudill, David Sherwood, Ron Rusch, Jack Feldmann, Jay Balin, Steve Verssen and Dennis Parra, Sr.
Charged with guiding the development and implementation of the chapter component of The ASHI Experience, the committee had a productive meeting and made the following recommendations:
- Designate February chapter recruitment month.
- CRC will work with the chapter presidents on developing and implementing the Planning and Monitoring Guidebook, which will contain information on how chapters apply for and spend money from national; how to teach The ASHI Experience; how to account for activities; and more.
- There will be an accountable owner of The ASHI Experience in the chapter who will work with CRC. This will be the chapter president or a member designated by the chapter president.
- Chapters will implement Learning Circles–a facilitated mentoring process for groups.
These recommendations were presented to the Board of Directors for consideration at the January Board Meeting. Details were not available by press time, but there will be a complete Board meeting report in the March Reporter.
The committee is chaired by Dennis Para. Other committee members who attended include Jay Balin, Greg Caudill, Jack Feldman, Ron Rusch, Dave Sherwood and Steve Verssen. The ASHI Experience team member Gordon Rudow attended as a guest.
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