Committee Leadership Workshop, December, 2001, Chicago
It was all about priorities as the 2002 Committee chairs were joined by their Board and staff liaisons at the Committee Leadership Workshop in Chicago, December 2001, to hammer out workplans for the new year.
The cornerstone of ASHI’s knowledge-based governance structure is that Directors re-ceive the information necessary to make informed decisions before program and policy motions are passed – thus removing decision from the realm of politics and personal agendas. Committees are responsible for doing the work of gathering this information for the Board.
In December, committee chairs learned what issues the Board considered priorities for 2002. Public Awareness and Membership Value shared top billing, followed by Legislation/advocacy. Projects that expanded or strengthened alliances were also identified as important. Workplans completed in Chicago reflected these priorities, as well as established strategies for accomplishing ongoing tasks. In addition, the plans were cross-referenced for projects that require cooperation between two or more committees.
Because ASHI is fortunate to have more volunteers than committee openings, committee chairs give careful consideration each year to the Call for Volunteers forms returned by the Membership. The downside of this strong volunteering spirit is that not everyone who volunteers can be assigned to a committee, but the chairs appreciate the willingness of so many to serve.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
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