Committee Chairs Nail Down Work Plans for New Year

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2003

In December 2002 at the invitation of the incoming president, committee
 chairs gathered with staff and Board liaisons to complete annual work plans in support of the Board’s goals for 2003. When ASHI adopted the Knowledge-Based Governance structure several years ago, the Board of Directors began relying on its committees to gather the information it needed to make informed decisions. The annual Committee Leadership Workshop allows the chairs to become familiar with the process, to plan and establish priorities, and to coordinate activities, which is necessary because the Board frequently asks one committee to work on a piece of a proposal or project, while another committee works on a different piece.  

In addition to a chair and members, each committee has a Board liaison, who serves as the key communication link with the Board. The Board looks to this liaison for outcomes of the assigned activities, and the liaison presents motions from the committee to the Board. There is also a staff liaison, who serves as the logistics link between the committee and headquarters.

After developing a work plan at the December meeting, the chairs and liaisons discussed who would serve on the committees. ASHI is fortunate to have more volunteers than committee openings. The downside is that not everyone who volunteers can be assigned to a committee. The names of volunteers not slated to serve are retained as a resource in the event additional volunteers are needed during the year.  

At the January Board Meeting in Orlando, the Directors approved the work plans and committee assignments drafted at the Committee Leadership Workshop.

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