Coming Soon…Responses to Requests for Interpretation of the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics
From the ASHI Standards of Practice Committee
One of the tasks of the ASHI Standards of Practice Committee is to provide responses to questions on how to interpret the Standards of Practice (SoP) or the Code of Ethics (CoE) that are submitted by ASHI Members, Candidates, or staff on the Request For Interpretation (RFI) form. In the past, each response was normally provided back to the requestor only. However, because similar questions are being asked repeatedly, because some responses might place the rest of the ASHI membership in an advantageous or disadvantageous position relative to the requestor’s knowledge, and because other home inspectors and the public may benefit from knowing how to interpret the SoP and CoE, the responses to interpretations in the future will also be provided to the Membership. In some cases, particularly significant interpretations may also be released or announced publicly if they would be beneficial for public understanding and/or affect the competitive position of the membership as determined by ASHI leadership.
Editor’s note: Members of the committee will be hosting a roundtable discussion of the Code of Ethics at InspectionWorld in New Orleans. Check the program for time and place. Published interpretations and roundtable discussions are intended to help the Membership understand how to conduct their business in an ethical manner. The Standards Committee serves to assist the Membership in this endeavor. This committee does not address the issue of compliance.
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