Coming Home: A letter from ASHIʼs new president

Let me start by saying Iʼm incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and Iʼm so proud to be your 2023 President. I am honored to lead and work alongside the 2023 Board of Directors, officers, and staff.
ASHI is my extended family. For the past 24 years, it has felt like home at every InspectionWorld and chapter event I attend. I was recently at a meeting with a fellow inspector who also told me that whenever he goes to a conference, itʼs like coming home. That feeling is what makes ASHI special. Itʼs this sense of community and camaraderie that is a true membership benefit—and it may never truly get the recognition it deserves. Itʼs that special.
My membership in ASHI has made me the inspector and leader I am today. ASHI provides the opportunity to attend conferences, meet, and be mentored by some of the best in our field—trustworthy professionals who care. I have benefited from learning, listening, and participating in many educational classes, leadership debates, and discussions that taught me more than I could imagine.
I want to thank the prior leadership who have supported and guided me to this moment. I also want to recognize our outgoing 2022 President, John Wessling, and the outgoing directors and officers for their hard work last year, too, as they worked many hours to move ASHI forward and give the staff resources to update our infrastructure.
What to Expect
Every year, as leaders and volunteers, we learn; we call it lessons understood. We have had a lot of moments to learn over the last few years, and Iʼm sure there will be more opportunities in the future.
A great man said you might do 10 things wrong, but you only need to do one thing right to succeed. Staff and leadership do listen, and we hear you.
Our future planning is all about your needs. Our motto for this year is “We are a team, and we are stronger together.” As a team, we will do what we need to move ASHI forward, build strong alliances with affiliations with a common interest, and add value to your membership.
In 2023, we will keep improving our education with the ASHI Edge and make our website more user-friendly.
We will develop a proper strategic plan so we will have year-to-year continuity.
We are streamlining our office and staff functions with new technology by updating our infrastructure—taking less time and saving money to continue to provide more member benefits.
Planning Ahead
As a team, we will roll out some new member benefits and partnerships that will impact you in the field and your business. This team approach will allow us to create stronger, more attended conferences with new education programs, ensuring tremendous success for future IWs.
At InspectionWorld 2023, we will feature the Diversity Subcommittee on Women in the Industry, launching in parallel with the International Code Councilʼs “Year of the Woman.” This initiative will allow us to encourage, train, and direct women who want to enter this field.
We are also exploring the opportunity to combine education programs with the ICC. These programs can help our veteran inspectors who want to grow their business by providing auxiliary inspection services to local or state municipalities by becoming certified inspectors in different phases of the construction process.
One year is a short time to get things done, but with the teamʼs commitment, we will keep things moving forward with a strategic plan framework that will provide continuity for the 2024 leadership team and set the roadmap for future success.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve. And Iʼm excited to welcome you all back to InspectionWorld 2023 In Las Vegas!
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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