Classic Plumbing
The work of an auto mechanic turned plumber? A radiator hose from a 1945 Pontiac was used to replace piping leading into the main drain stack.
Ken Harrington
Kustom Home Inspection
Delaware, Ohio
Duct tape to the rescue
Pipe dream? More like nightmare!
Lon Grossman
Technihouse Inspections, Inc.
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Here’s how to keep your cool (at least half of it) in the rougher sections of town. The top photo shows one side of the house and the bottom picture shows the other side.
AmeriSpec Professional
Marietta, Ga.
Here’s a good safety picture of what not to do with your paint cans.
John Sacchini
Energy Design Home Inspections
Bloomington, Ind.
No problem
The sellers didn’t see this situation as a problem. I guess they figured they could wash their hands and water the lawn at the same time.
Kent Hein
Florida Gulf Coast Home Inspections
Ft. Myers, Fla.
Not all pools come with an automatic pool fill device to make sure it doesn’t run dry when its owners are away on vacation! This is a pool I inspected that didn’t look too good in the first place. Then I saw the water hose was supported by the bricks and stones. On the end of the water hose is a flexible water hose nozzle attached by screw and wire to a plastic bottle of sand. Must be owned by an engineer.
Chris S. Clark
Pillar To Post Professional Home Inspection
Fort Worth, Texas
Keep the supply & return registers close together so the air can flow freely back to the furnace.
Ron Passaro, ASHI founder
Bethel, Conn.
Too dumb for words
This picture speaks for itself!
Bob Mulloy
Allsafe Home Inspection Service
East Bridgewater, Mass.
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