Check Out the Latest Brand-New Features on

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2003

Hidden e-mail addresses

A new e-mail option on the ASHI Web site is designed to combat the increasing amount of spam sent to the Membership. E-mail addresses are no longer publicly displayed on the ASHI “Find An Inspector” and Membership Directory areas. There is now an e-mail link to a pop-up contact form.

Advantages to the new feature include the following:

 • Senders do not have to use their own computer’s e-mail program (Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, etc.)

• It is more difficult for spammers to data-mine the ASHI site hoping to find names and e-mail addresses for their unauthorized databases.

• It is easier for recipients to identify leads and e-mail messages generated from the ASHI Web site.  

ASHI Resource Directory online now

While spammers are being closed out, the Membership is invited to enjoy easy access to home inspection technical information, products/services and other resource links – now expanded and in one convenient location.

With Membership participation, the ASHI Resource Directory can become the most extensive technical information resource for home inspectors on the Internet. All who use it are encouraged to submit suggestions for additional links.

Resources identified in the Directory can also be accessed from within the ASHI Forum Discussion Board in the “Members Only” section on the Web site. Join Members and Candidates there to chat about technical and other home inspection-related topics.

Check out the Directory and remember to submit a suggested link when you discover a new source for information. Also, log on to the Discussion Board Forum and browse through different categories to see what your contemporaries are talking about. Check out the latest enhancements to this important membership benefit, the ASHI Web site, and keep watching for more.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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