Check Out a New Podcast: Inspection Connection

by Brad Lowery September 18, 2020

Anyone with any manner of decency and decorum knows that it’s rude to invite yourself somewhere. Be it to an acquaintance’s house or a social event you have no business attending, being present when your name was absent on the guest list falls in the same behavioral category as wedding crashing. You’re effectively one of Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places.”

That said, if your self-invitation is well-timed, and if you’re just the right level of shameless… you might find that inviting yourself in can open up some exciting and unexpected doors. And truth be told, that’s how Rose Buckley and the Inspection Connection podcast gained a cohost.

I first met Rose two years ago on a pre-offer inspection at a Washington, DC, townhouse. With hopeful buyers submitting competing offers in a bid to claim yet another house from the hot seller’s market, we were two of the four or five inspectors who were simultaneously on site. That she stood out in a house full of male home inspectors should come as no surprise. And to anyone who knows Rose, it’s even less surprising that what stood out most was her caliber of professionalism, preparedness and presentation. While I was well into my third year in the field as a home inspector in the DC and Virginia area at the time, little did I know that I had just run into one of the most recognized new faces in the industry. I quickly learned that Rose was already an involved and accomplished inspector, as well as a social media mogul.

If opportunistic party-crashing is all about knowing when to be assertive, it can equally be about knowing who’s figurative or literal party you wish to crash. In other words, new professional opportunities are all about who you know. So, it was with that shameless opportunism that I approached Rose about collaborating on social media marketing ideas this past spring. And it was in that conversation when she shared that she was preparing to launch a podcast.

While Rose is beyond equipped to produce and host the show on her own, I couldn’t not invite myself to the podcast party as a potential cohost. From that came a summer’s worth of planning, purchasing and production, all of which has led to the culmination of a collaborative effort that we are proud to present: “Inspection Connection.”

Branded as “a podcast by inspectors for inspectors,” Inspection Connection is a show designed to entertain and educate.

We talk shop, we talk life, we interview industry professionals and we strive for an atmosphere that feels like we’re sharing a drink or partaking in a meal together. We see this atmosphere as being one of the keys to the show’s overall theme, because home inspection as a profession isn’t inherently about properties… it’s about people. And that’s the type of authenticity we hope to convey.

That’s also the experience we hope you receive and enjoy. Thus, with the same spirit and excitement in which I invited myself to cohost a home inspection podcast, Rose and I invite you to join us in talking shop, talking life, grabbing a beverage, having fun, and inviting others to do the same.

You can listen to the Inspection Connection podcast on iTunes and Spotify.

We look forward to you joining us!

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