Chapters Can Apply for The ASHI Experience Funds Plus a Special Project Bonus
As in 2004, chapters will receive a portion of the 2005 membership dues allocated for The ASHI Experience. New for 2005 is a special program, announced by the Chapter Relations Committee, inviting chapters to apply for additional money for special projects.
The special project application deadline is March 15, 2005. Chapter Presidents received special project application forms and guidelines along with the revised ASHI Experience Chapter Grant Forms and Chapter Funding and Activities Guidebook.
Help your chapter plan for 2005 so that it can apply on time for both the grant money and the special project bonus.
President speaks out
“When it comes to choosing organizations and associations to affiliate with, be very careful. Do your homework to be sure the organization is reputable, professional and worthy of your participation,” Steve Gladstone wrote in an open letter to the Membership and distributed in the final weeks of his presidency. He shared his strong convictions, closing with the following:
“Several years ago, Past President John Ghent asked our Membership to not dilute our voice, to stand together as ASHI and avoid other entanglements. I ask you to stand with ASHI and let those other organizations know that they do not speak for you or your profession. Ask yourself who has led the profession for 29 years with pride, standards and ethics. I ask you to act on this request before the waters are muddied more and the consumer cannot see the obvious difference.”
This letter was delivered on January 10, 2005, by e-mail to those with addresses on file at HQ. Hard copies were mailed to those who did not. Keeping ASHI HQ informed of your current e-mail address assures you of receiving news on a timely basis.
Committee chairs meet
2005 committee chairs met with staff and board of director liaisons and officers on December 5, 2004, in Chicago to choose committee members and review committee work plans for 2005
Photo: Left to Right: Brion Grant, Scott Patterson, Tim Stull, Bryck Guibor and ASHI Director Anthony Snyder. Photo by ASHI Member Don Nelson
Highlights of January Board of Directors Meeting on Web site
Watch the ASHI Extranet, Downloads, ASHI documents section for “Report out,” the message from ASHI’s Executive Director outlining the actions of the Board of Directors at its January meeting in Austin, Texas.
Board materials are posted prior to quarterly board meetings, and “Report Out” is posted after the meetings. Stay in touch with what your leadership is doing on your behalf by visiting the ASHI documents section of the Membership-only Extranet.
Donate to tsunami relief
ASHI supports Red Cross International Aid efforts and offers a convenient link to donate on The Society has had an agreement of understanding with
Red Cross for more than 10 years, and several chapters work with the local branches of the organization on training volunteers for disaster work in the U.S. ASHI now has the opportunity to support its partner’s efforts in Asia to assists the victims of the tsunami.
Redesigned brochures on sale
Go to to the Online Store to purchase redesigned brochures for your clients. Brochure topics include electrical, plumbing, roofs, attic ventilation, exterior walls and wet basements. The brochures are available to ASHI Members and Candidates with Logo Use.
ASHI calendar of events
• April 15-16, 2005, Board orientation and meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• July 15-16, 2005, ASH Town Hall Gathering and Board meeting,
St. Louis, Mo.
• October 21-22, 2005, Chapter Leadership Day and Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.<
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.