Chapters: Borrow, buy or rent Gold Standard banners

by Edited by ASHI Staff July 1, 2012


Perfect for real estate and consumer shows or for any opportunity to
promote ASHI, these new banners now are available to chapters for only
the shipping costs. Members also may rent a banner for shipping costs
and a small fee.  
To reserve a banner, download and return the form from the
Downloads section of the Members-Only website.

In addition to the ASHI banners, customized versions are available. Email Russell Daniels at to learn more. 

Chapter Rosters and More

Chapter rosters, bylaws and vitality reports were due June 30, but still are being accepted. Send them to Russell Daniels,, as soon as possible. The rosters are needed to determine representatives for the council.

Keep your information current 

To change chapter contact information for the website or in print publications, please use the form created for that purpose. It’s available on the website in the Members Only section under ASHI documents and forms.

Questions about ASHI chapters?

Contact Russell Daniels, ASHI director of chapter relations, at or 847-954-3185 or email

Promote your events for free

List your chapter events on the website calendar and in the ASHI Reporter. Send the dates and locations to Sarah Walsh,  

Chapter education 

Find ways to create educational events at your chapter meeting. Search Chapter Educational Resources for presentation materials, i.e., Smart Track Chapter Modules or the ASHI e-Learning Catalog online modules. Plenty of topics, speaker and program ideas are provided for chapter success!

Chapter resources

To access ASHI online chapter resources, log in as an ASHI member on Click on the Members-Only tab in the left-hand column, then click on,Chapters. You’ll find public relations and marketing materials, chapter recruitment tools, leadership resources, legislative tools and more.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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