Chapter News

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2013


Hampton Roads Chapter kicked off what is planned as an annual educational conference open to all organizations and affiliations. It was held in Chesapeake Va., at a festive time of year. The boardwalk along the Virginia Beach oceanfront and the botanical gardens in Norfolk are decorated for after-dark driving tours, and are near the Tech-Talk meeting place. Dave Goldstein (shown presenting in the photo above) covered defensive report writing and Kenny Hart covered plumbing and HVAC issues. Guillermo Hunt, the Hampton Roads ASHI Chapter President, was pleased with the most successful chapter conference in years.

Submitted by Kenny Hart.


Retired Member Teaches Home Safety for Free

Retired ASHI Member Jack Fehlandt recently presented his free home safety classes for Habitat for Humanity recipients, teen parents and homeless moms in Phoenix, Ariz., and Carpentersville, Ill. He’s been conducting the classes for several years and says it’s his way of giving back to the community.

Each family attending his class receives a copy of Tom Feiza’s (Mr. Fix-it) “How to Operate your Home” manual and 10 pages of informational handouts. He references specific pages and illustrations in the manual and uses samples of many of the devices covered during the two-hour presentation. Attendees also take home value tags for water and gas shutoffs, with directions regarding where to find the shutoffs, fire safety procedures and smoke alarm calendar stickers. 


Fehlandt says he encourages questions and has fun giving back to and educating the members of his communities in both Arizona and Illinois. Attendees learn about the following safety issues during the class:

  • What is a home inspection?
  • ASHI Client Bill of Rights
  • Carbon monoxide alarms
  • Two types of smoke alarms
  • Window locks, door locks, peepholes
  • Balusters, railings, stair risers, treads
  • Equipment maintenance, regular
  • servicing, record keeping
  • Furnace filter
  • Emergency gas and water shutoffs
  • Garage door safety
  • Flexible gas connectors
  • Safe electrical receptacles –
  • Water – hot on left, 120 degrees, leaks
  • Dryer filters, fires
  • Kitchen stove anti-tip, loose island cabinets
  • Environmental concerns, Radon, lead
  • Conserving water
  • Useful websites

Quarello Earns Ron Passaro Award

The Southern New England Chapter recognizes a member who has gone above and beyond expectations as a volunteer with the Ron Passaro Award, named for ASHI’s founder.

The latest winner, Jim Quarello, was surprised when Passaro came to the chapter meeting to announce his name and shake his hand. Quarello was honored for his honesty, integrity and a willingness to help others as best he can when asked. Pictured from left to right, Ron Passaro, Jim Quarello and Brian Dunbar, chapter president.

Submitted by Brian Dunbar, ACI, President SNEC ASHI.

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