Chapter News

by Edited by ASHI Staff November 1, 2012

Arizona says Thank you


Incoming Arizona Chapter President Tony Hecht (right) and Chapter Executive Director Dena Pope (left) honor outgoing Chapter President Bruce Labell (center).

Annual Seminar a Success for NY Metro


Chapter Director Victor G. Fagella (right) and presenter Warren Werkheiser (left) discuss the successful seminar held September 14 and 15. Fagella serves as one of the seminar coordinators and Werkheiser spoke on roofing.

Submitted by Glenn Woertz

Mid-Atlantic Chapter Passes the Torch


Past Chapter President Bob Sisson (left) accepts a plaque from JD Grewell, incoming chapter president, in recognition of his previous two years of service. Currently, Sisson and Grewell serve on the ASHI Board.

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