Chapter Leadership Days 2006
Chapter Leaders Energized by Interaction
She was one of the 175 leaders from 39 states representing 56 chapters who came from as close as Chicago, as far away as Hawaii, and even from the storm-ravaged Gulf Cost region.
Achieving the four goals
1) The first goal was to help attendees strengthen their leadership skills.
2) Two of the breakout sessions aimed at the second goal – to share best practices – received excellent reviews: David Sherwood’s, “Creating and Operating Vibrant Chapters,” and Angela Orlando’s
3) Networking and forming new relationships is always one of the goals for this annual event, and from the evaluations, it’s obvious leaders did a lot of this during Chapter Leadership Days. Attendees repeatedly cited interacting with other leaders as something they appreciated. In fact, one asked for even “more time to network.”
A special thanks to ASHI Member Don Nelson for providing photos.
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