Chapter Leadership Day Expanded to 1 1/2 Days
This year’s Chapter Leadership Day promises to be the biggest and best ever. For the first time, CLD will be expanded to one-and-one-half days. And, because chapters can and should use their ASHI Experience funding to send leaders, we are expecting 100 percent participation. Now that’s bigger!
For years, now, we’ve heard there’s just too much good stuff for chapter leaders to be crammed into one day. It’s just not enough! And, the ASHI Board of Directors feels the same way. Our chapters are the heart of ASHI and the grassroots delivery vehicle for The ASHI Experience. So, we have responded to the call.
Last month’s Reporter gave details on logistics and who should attend. Please note that CLD still will take place at the DoubleTree Hotel O’Hare in Rosemont. But, it will now begin on Thursday, October 21, at 1 p.m.
At that time, after greetings from your ASHI leaders, Janet Swandby, ASHI governmental affairs consultant, and members of the ASHI Legislative Committee will facilitate an interactive afternoon session on current legislative issues. This always is a popular and important topic for ASHI chapter leaders, and this year attendees can devote a few hours to go deeply into the issues, compare experiences, and get answers to all their questions, from how to hire a lobbyist, to building coalitions and more. Anyone who has ever worked with or heard Janet Swanby present will tell you this is something you won’t want to miss. You will come away from this session with a better understanding of legislative issues.
And that’s just the beginning. Friday, October 22, will be a full day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and it will focus on leadership training and The ASHI Experience. Renowned presenter Jeffrey Cufaude will lead a three-and-one-half hour intensive and interactive workshop on how to be an effective chapter leader. This will be hands-on training in leadership that will send you back to your chapter as a better leader.
After lunch, attendees will get an update on the critical new developments and issues facing ASHI. Then, Buz Buzogany of SAVVY–Strategic Resource Partners, will deliver a presentation on how to use the ads and other marketing tools to get the most out of The ASHI Experience. Buz will also facilitate a panel discussion with chapter leaders who have been using the ads so that all can learn. SAVVY is a unique company dedicated to improving the bottom line of not-for-profit associations through advertising sales. What you learn in Buz’s presentation will result in more business for your chapter members.
Those are the highlights and there will be more. Chapter Leadership Day 2004 – it just keeps getting bigger and better. For more information e-mail
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